Professor Emerita
- DVM, University of Missouri-Columbia
- PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Diplomate, American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine

Building Address: 209B Connaway Hall
Phone Number: 573-884-2082
Disaster preparedness & response planning, Disaster-resistant facilities construction
General veterinary pathology, veterinary virology, research ethics, veterinary emergency and disaster response, ethics of use of animals in biomedical research.
Vogelweid CM, Dreesen J. Radiographic imaging of rodents using a portable mammographic system. Contem Topics Lab Animal Science 1995; 34 (3): 86-88, 1995.
Walker SE, Wright DC, O’Sullivan FX, Johnson GC, Besch-Williford CL, Vogelweid CM. Memory, learning ability and neuropathologic status of mice with systemic lupus erythematosis. Annals NY Acad Sciences 1997; 823: 107-115.
Vogelweid CM. Developing emergency management plans for university laboratory animal programs and facilities. Contemp Topics Lab Animal Science 1998; 37 (5): 52-56.
Fang S, Steinmetz R, Vogelweid C, Cooper S, Hangoc G, Broxmeyer H, Hirsch-Pescovitz O. Development of a transgenic mouse that overexpresses a novel product of the growth hormone-releasing hormone gene. Endocrinology 2000; 141 (4): 1377-1383.
Vogelweid CM. Emergency response and management. In Management of Laboratory Animal Care and Use Programs, Suckow MA, Douglas FA, Weichbrod RH editors. CRC Press 2002, pp. 325-337.
Vogelweid CM, Hill J, Shea R, Truby S, Schantz L. Using site assessment and risk analysis to plan and build disaster-resistant programs and facilities. Lab Animal 2003; 32 (2): 40-44.
Frie B, Li X, Ciccone K, Nawa S, Cooper S, Vogelweid C, Schantz L, Hainline L, Orazi A, Broxmeyer H, Lee S, Clapp D. Fanconi anemia type C and p53 cooperate in apoptosis and tumorigenesis. Blood 2003; 102 (12): 4146-4152.
Vogelweid CM, Hill JB, Shea RA, Johnson DB. Earthquakes and building design: a primer for the laboratory animal professional. Lab Anim (NY) 2005 Jul-Aug; 34(7): 35-42.
Vogelweid CM, Hill JB, Shea RA. Hazard-resistant building construction. In Planning and Designing Animal Research Facilities, Jack R. Hessler and Noel D. Lehner editors, Academic Press, Inc., ACLAM series publication, 2009, pg. 135-150.
Vogelweid CM, Zapien KA, Honigford MJ, Li L, Li H, Marshall H. Effects of a 28-day cage-change interval on intracage ammonia levels, nasal histology and perceived welfare of CD1 mice. JAALAS 2011; 50 (6):868-878.