Curriculum Committee-Professional Degree

This committee evaluates the professional curriculum.  The responsibilities of the Curriculum-Professional Degree Committee are as follows:

  1. Develop/implement methods to assess the ability of the DVM degree curriculum to provide the training necessary for the success of CVM graduates.
  2. Aid in selecting the methods used to assess the effectiveness of the DVM degree program.
  3. Advise the Dean on suggested changes to the curriculum.

Committee makeup: All faculty committee members must participate in teaching in the CVM professional degree curriculum.  The committee will be composed of 2 faculty members from each academic department (voting members), 2 student representatives (voting members), and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (ex officio, non-voting member unless a tiebreaker is needed).  Ideally, half of the faculty representatives will be faculty members with teaching experience in the preclinical portion of the curriculum and half will be faculty members with teaching experience in the clinical portion of the curriculum.  Each member will serve a three-year term, with one additional consecutive term allowed.  The 2 representatives from each department should have staggered terms so that no department has 2 representatives rotating off at the same time.  In case any committee member leaves the university, a replacement will be named to fill the remainder of their term. The two student representatives will consist of one VM3 and one VM4 student in good academic standing and will be nominated to the committee for a one-year appointment by the Executive Committee of SAVMA.  A recognized educator may be asked to serve as an ex officio advisor to the committee on an ad hoc basis.

The committee will elect a Chair and Associate Chair, each of whom will serve one-year terms.  The Chair and Associate Chair will ideally be selected such that one represents preclinical studies and the other represents clinical studies.  The Associate Chair will typically become Chair in the year following their term as Associate Chair and a new Associate Chair will be elected at that time.

Meetings and Minutes: The committee will meet at least twice yearly. The committee will provide a copy of minutes to the Office of Student and Academic Affairs.

Current Members

MembershipDepartmentAreaTerm Expires
Dr. Owen SkinnerVet Med & SurgeryClinical9/30/2026
Dr. Philip JohnsonVet Med & SurgeryClinical9/30/2026
Dr. Fred Williams (Chair)Vet PathobiologyClinical9/30/2025
Dr. Luis RiveroVet Med & SurgeryClinical9/30/2025
Dr. Justin NashBiomedical SciencesPreclinical9/30/2025
Dr. Tim EvansBiomedical Sciences9/30/2027
Jayla BrownVM29/30/2025
Olivia HritzkowinVM29/30/2025
Marika AustadVM39/30/2025
Dr. Tim SniderAssociate Dean of Student and Academic AffairsEx Officio

Meeting Minutes