Published 5/15/2024
Story contact: Nicholas Childress,

The University of Missouri Office of Undergraduate Research has awarded Kayla Canchola S.T.A.R. Recognition. Canchola is a sophomore pursuing a bachelor’s degree in microbiology at the MU College of Veterinary Medicine. The Student Training for Advancing Research Program engages students in the high-impact practice of research with workshop topics ranging from introductory classes, responsible conduct of research, research-focused fellowships, discussions with alumni, and engagement with faculty researchers from across campus. To achieve the S.T.A.R. Recognition, Canchola participated in five of these workshops during the spring semester to prepare herself to engage in research and scholarship.
Canchola said her knowledge about conducting research and what it involves has grown thanks to her involvement in the program. Along with learning about research-focused fellowships and objectivity and data, she learned about the intricacies of ethics, misconduct and trust.
“Over the course of participating in these workshops, they have given me new perspectives and information about the ethical and moral sides of research,” Canchola said. “I think this is an important subject to cover because not many people realize how much it influences the work that is done in the research process.”
Canchola also participated in the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative online as part of the Student Training for Advancing Research Program. These courses focus on training for research studies that involve human subjects and responsible research conduct.
“Being awarded my S.T.A.R., and the recognition I’ve gotten for completing these trainings has been quite a fulfilling experience,” Canchola said. “It serves as a stepping stone toward my ultimate goals and reminds me of the future I’m hoping to pursue.”