Preparation in High School

Preparation for application to the MU College of Veterinary Medicine is best begun while in high school. The selection process for entrance evaluates academic and nonacademic criteria.

Academic Preparation

No fixed requirements exist for the high school curriculum. However, a high school student is generally advised to take four years of mathematics, four years of English (grammar and composition), two years of biology, and as much chemistry and physics as possible. Basic computer skills are useful. Speech, debate, or drama will also prepare the student for communication skills expected of veterinarians.

Nonacademic Preparation

Involvement in extracurricular activities, such as school clubs, athletics, band, FFA, 4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church activities, and any other organized activity requiring the development of teamwork, interpersonal skills, and unique life experiences, qualities or strengths are encouraged and scored for selection purposes.

Applicants are expected to have had experiences with a variety of animals. Some of this experience must be while observing veterinarians in an actual veterinary medical practice. Many veterinarians will permit prospective veterinary medical students to spend time observing activities in their practice. High school students considering veterinary medicine as a career are encouraged to seek out such opportunities to see the actual practice of veterinary medicine. Agricultural, biomedical, research, and public health experience is also highly regarded.