Information for Instructional Leaders

Curriculum Level Outcomes & Curriculum Mapping
As a part of the holistic curriculum review, faculty committees at the CVM developed Curriculum Level Outcomes (CLOs) as a living document that states the intended outcomes of the MU-CVM curriculum. Specifically, the CLOs state those competencies new graduates should be capable of and those student skills that can be observed. As a tool in the review process, the CLOs need to be tied and mapped to course outcomes and objectives. There are many resources available regarding the CLO and their use:

Learning Objectives
Course material should include objectives. A learning objective is a statement describing what students should be able to do when they have completed an instructional segment. Learning outcomes are more broad. They are statements that describe the more global and general intended outcomes of an instructional segment, unit, or course. A single learning outcome may have many specific learning objectives that support it. More detailed information about learning objectives, outcomes, and how to write them can be found in this document.

Canvas Courses
All professional curriculum required courses during instructional periods 1-11 will be renewed automatically.  Please contact Stephanie McClaren regarding course creations or renewals for other professional curriculum courses.  All stand-alone graduate courses should be renewed directly by the course coordinator, feel free to contact Stephanie if you have any questions or need assistance.

Examinations and Examination Schedules
Please contact Stephanie McClaren to schedule ALL examinations (electronic and paper) at least two weeks prior to the start of an instructional period to assist you in coordinating all your testing needs. A testing period has been designated in the College from 7-8:50AM and attempts will be made to schedule during this time.

Students should be made aware of dates and times of exams on the first day of class. These requirements are necessary to plan for and administer tests of appropriate length to those students with ADA accommodations and who are allowed additional testing time. Except for makeup examinations, tests should be of the same format for all students UNLESS there is an accommodation recommended by the Disability Center. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Associate Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs (ADA representative). Stephanie will work with the course coordinates to schedule all ADA students.

Due to Federal regulations, examinations must be returned in a way to prevent public disclosure of a test score. AS SUCH, you should not post grades in public or return tests in mailboxes unless they are returned in a sealed envelope or folded and stapled to prevent inadvertent disclosure of information. Please consult the following site on FERPA regulations if you have any questions:

Computer-based Tests
Students will take examinations on their personal laptops through Canvas using Repondus LockDown Browser (LDB). The LDB browser prohibits running other programs, copying, pasting, and printing while taking an exam. Exams can be set up with availability all-day, where students take their exams at their convenience, or scheduled in Adams Conference Center (E-125 Vet. Med. Bldg.).

Allowing the students to see their raw scores and answers is not mandatory and up to the discretion of the instructor.  An instructor may allow this immediately after an exam or may schedule a review session (proctored by the instructor) for the class after the exam has been validated.  Due to time and space constraints, individual appointments with Stephanie McClaren can no longer be utilized for student test review.

In order to allow adequate time for online exam assembly, instructor(s) review for edits and testing before being fully prepared for students, all exams and quizzes will need to be submitted 5 full working days before the exam is given and in the correct format (see reference guide).   A proof for instructor edits will be made available 2 days before the exam is given, so any adjustments can be made if necessary. If this deadline is not met or the formatting is not correct, the exam WILL NOT be available for online delivery and the course coordinator will need to make other arrangements and give a paper exam.

A student engagement and assessment tool integrated into Canvas. With minimal set up iClicker grades are pushed seamlessly into your Canvas gradebook. Please review the Instructor Overview: iClicker Cloud Roster & Grade Sync information before your class begins. There are also some campus support resources.

Instructor Evaluations for Didactic courses are scheduled (and reports found) through the campus evaluation system, please contact your departmental office for assistance scheduling.

Instructor Evaluations for Clinical Blocks are set up automatically (and reports found) in eValue. Please contact Stephanie McClaren to verify all needed evaluations are accessible to the students.

Syllabus, ADA, Dishonesty, Intellectual Pluralism, Deficient Grades, and Grade Inflation:
Please make sure your course syllabus (or other first day hand-outs) contain information about ADA accommodations and a reminder that VM students are subject to the College Honor Code which prohibits dishonesty.

Sample statements about these subjects can be found on the Provost’s web site at:

Dr. Snider is the CVM ADA representative. If you are approached by a student with a possible disability requesting accommodations, please notify him immediately. Disability accommodations are not granted unless the student is registered with the Disability Center.

The Course Syllabus or other first day handouts should also contain:

1. Course (Lecture/Laboratory) Schedule: This should include dates, times and class location. Please consult the appropriate IP Calendar for the general schedule of when and where your course is meeting. If you schedule anything outside of this, please contact Jennifer Hamilton to ensure room and student availability. Additionally, many instructors choose to add their lecture number, topic and reading assignments.

2. Course Syllabus: This should include a course description, objectives, required reading materials, exam and grading policies and the academic honesty statement.

a. Type and time (if announced) of examinations (Whenever possible, please avoid giving exams on religious holidays. Also please avoid an exam the day after SCAVMA meetings).

b. Grading method and scale for letter grades

c. Policy for make-up exams (if they are offered)

3. Course Instructor List: Please provide the names of each instructor, their office hours and location, phone number and email address.

4. Course Notes: All materials the instructor believes should be with the student when they come to lecture or lab.

5. Course Materials: Supplemental materials that the student is not required to bring to lecture or lab.

6. External study sites: Choose one of the options in this document to address the way your class materials can be used in external study sites.

Mid-course/rotation grade warnings must be issued to students if they are not achieving at least a “C” grade average. The notice should be copied to the Associate Dean of Student and Academic Affairs.

Class Schedule: Please review the Official CVM schedule for your instructional period.  Click on the appropriate instructional period to view class schedules. Please report any errors to the Office of Student and Academic Affairs.

Instructional Leaders: A list of instructional leaders and courses can be found here.

Submission of Grades: Grades should be logged, by the course coordinator,  into the myZou system within 3 business days of the completion of a course.  If you have any problems, please contact Jennifer Hamilton in the Office of Academic Affairs.