Published 1/18/2023
Story contact: Nicholas Childress,

Nishant Sinha, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, was recently announced as a recipient of the International Society for Eye Research travel award. The award provides Sinha the opportunity to present his research findings at the biennial ISER meeting in Gold Coast, Australia, on Feb. 19-23, 2023. The travel award is intended to assist in defraying the costs of recipients who attend the meeting and includes a waiver of registration fees, as well as partial payment of air fare.
Sinha, a postdoctoral fellow in the labs of Professor of Ophthalmology and Molecular Medicine Rajiv Mohan, PhD, FARVO, and Assistant Research Professor Ratnakar Tripathi, PhD, was one of eight individuals selected by ISER for the travel award from a pool of more than 200 applications from 34 different countries.
According to its website, the mission of ISER is to provide a unique international platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on contemporary topics in eye and vision research among its members and the broader eye/vision research community. They support this mission by holding scientific meetings at venues throughout the world, through the Experimental Eye Research journal and by focusing resources on the development and support of young investigators, especially those working in the research programs of ISER members.