Student Handbook – Class Examination and Make-Up Examination Guidelines

Class Examinations: Announced examination dates and times will be given by the instructional leader on the first day of each course. A change in the announced date or time may be initiated by the class or the instructional leader. When a class vote is required, the vote shall include all enrolled students.

Class Initiated Change – A change in the announced date or time of an examination can be arranged within the first 7 business days of an Instructional Period (IP) by both (1) instructional leader consent and (2) majority vote of the class. In the absence of instructional leader consent, a majority class vote is insufficient to effect a change in examination date or time.

For IP1 courses, this period is extended to the first 14 business days. For courses that extend over 2 IPs, this policy shall apply to the start of each individual IP.

Instructional Leader Initiated Change – The course instructional leader may change the date or time of an examination at any time to meet the needs of the course. Such a change does not require class consent via vote. However, the instructional leader shall communicate the rationale for the change to the class.

(Approved by Faculty Vote 8/2021)

Make-up Examinations: Office of Student and Academic Affairs Make up exam/quiz guidelines

As soon as you are aware that you will be unable to take an exam/quiz at the time scheduled for the class, you MUST fill out the on-line absence form 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam.

  1. Obtain permission from the instructor and then schedule a make-up exam/quiz with Stephanie McClaren. For students with accommodations, the proper point of contact is the ADA Representative (Dr. Snider), not the instructor or course coordinator.

a. Exams and quizzes will be scheduled between the hours of 7 AM and 8 PM (this means exams will close at 8 PM – please plan accordingly) Contact and arrangements should be made at the time of absence report or at least 2 hours prior to the requested make-up time.

2. All exams and quizzes should be made up by 8 PM on the Sunday following the end of the IP (ex. IP ends on Friday June 30, all exams will be completed by 8 PM July 2). Should there be extenuating circumstances and a request for extension is granted by the Office of Student and Academic Affairs, all quizzes, exams and required material must be completed prior to the first assessment (test/quiz) in the following IP (ex. approval given at end of IP 4, all required material must be completed before first assessment in IP 5).  Approved by Executive Committee February 2021

3. Make up test/quiz must be taken before a regularly scheduled review session is held for that assessment (whether or not the review session is optional).

a. Instructors are not expected to postpone review sessions; students are expected to complete their make-up test expeditiously.

b. It is considered an honor code violation to attend a review session of material on which you have not been tested.

4. Make up exam/quiz must be completed within 24 hrs of the original exam (regardless of accommodation) and before the remainder of your class takes the next assessment (ex. If you need to complete exam or quiz 1, it must be completed before the class takes exam or quiz 2).

5. If you have to miss a scheduled make-up exam, contact the instructor and Stephanie McClaren immediately and fill out the absence form 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam. For students with accommodations, the proper point of contact is the ADA Representative (Dr. Snider), not the instructor or course coordinator.   This must be documented by email/absence form (regardless of any conversations via phone or in person).  Each situation will be considered on an individual basis.  One make up exam/quiz is allowed. Do not assume a second make up exam will be scheduled.

6. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in a grade of zero for the assessment and may be considered honor code violations.

All requests for deviations from these guidelines will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs with advice of the ADA Representative.

Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards breaches of the academic integrity rules as extremely serious matters. Sanctions for such a breach may include academic sanctions from the instructor, including failing the course for any violation, to disciplinary sanctions ranging from probation to expulsion. The course instructor has the responsibility to assign an academic penalty to any student who breeches the rules of academic integrity. Disciplinary sanctions are considered by the honor code committee. Please see the honor code for details. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, collaboration, or any other form of cheating, consult the course instructor.

Behavior During Examinations: Actions such as displaying a test for others to see, looking at another student’s test, attempt to communicate with another student in any manner during a test, or trying to use notes during a test are actions considered inappropriate and may be construed as cheating. Duplication, distribution, or sharing of any information pertaining to a test is prohibited and considered an honor code violation unless the instructor has granted permission for this activity. Please consult the student handbook, or contact the course instructor or Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs if you are unsure of appropriate test-taking behavior or procedure (Approved by the Office of Academic Affairs 10/2006).

Exam instructions:

  • All students must arrive on time to exams.  Late entry is a disruption and may compromise exam integrity.
  • DO NOT have anything written (tattoos may be examined) on any part of your visible body including your fingers, hands, arms, legs, feet or toes. You may at any time be asked to display any of them for any reason.
  • DO NOT write on your whiteboard until the proctor states you may begin. Both sides should be completely erased.
  • EVERYTHING should be removed from the desk/table and placed at the front or back of the room, not the floor at your feet. ALL FOOD and DRINKS should be put away. The only things allowed on the desk/table are your computer, whiteboard, and a whiteboard marker, unless the exam is open note/book.
  • All wearable electronics and smart devices must be removed and placed at the front or back of the room (Fitbit, smartwatch etc.).
  • ID badges may be worn but do not touch them during the exam.
  • No hats or caps may be worn.