VMS Graduate Students

Current Students

NameArea of EmphasisAdvisor
Anderson, AshleyAlveolar Interstitial Syndrome: Correlation of B-Lines using Lung Ultrasound (Start F2021)Dr. Reinero
Barbour, Allison(start F2023)Dr. Bryan
Baumgardner, RachelRadiographic unstructured interstitial pulmonary pattern in comparison with respiratory CT (start F2021)Dr. Reinero
Clarke, Emily(start F2022)Dr. Matheson
Crist, SamanthaO6 Methylguanine-DNA- Methyltransferase in Canine Intracranial Glioma Tissue Samples (start F2023)Dr. Maitz
Hura, Marta(start F2023)Dr. Matheson
Lippert, Briana(start F2023)Dr. Reinero
McCurdy, KristenProspective comparison of radiographic and arthroscopic findings of the equine carpus (Start F2022)Dr. McCracken
McNair, RachelCorrelating histologic findings with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid lymphocytosis in dogs (start F2023)Dr. Reinero
Morales, ValerieLattice SBRT for palliation of sarcomas in dogs (start F2022)Dr. Maitz
Naclerio, Allison(start F2023)Dr. Bryan
Navaro-LaBoy, Iliana(start F2023)Dr. Vientos-Plotts
Nelson, Fern(start F2020)Dr. Lattimer
Olson, KatherineBiomarkers for Osteosarcoma (start F2022)Dr. Bryan
Saavedra, AlixEffect of nonionic contrast media on invasive pressure measurements during minimally invasive occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus and balloon valvuloplasty for valvular pulmonic stenosis (start F2022)Dr. Wiggen
Sawyer, KristinCD200 in Canine Cancer (start F2022)Dr. Bryan
Sheriff, MckennaUse of single voxel intermediate echo time magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3 Tesla in dogs with meningoencephalitis of unknown origin. (start F2022)Dr. Matheson
Sieve, AaronA microbiota investigation of trypan blue and preservative free dexamethasone sodium phosphate used in cataract surgery (start F2023)Dr. Giuliano
Streu, ShaynaQuantification of left ventricular volume in normal dogs using cardiac-gated CT and echocardiography (start F2020)Dr. Matheson
Tran Hoang, ChristineEvaluation of MiRNA 216 and 217 targeted treatment in pancreatic carcinoma (start F2022)Dr. Bryan
Warren, AlexandraUse of Synovetin (radiosynoviothesis) in equine joints (start F2022)Dr. McCracken
Wyatt, WhitneyClinical evaluation of xerostomia in canine patients undergoing fine-fractionated radiation therapy for head and neck tumors (start F2021)Dr. Maitz
Wearmouth, Caleb(start F2023)Dr. Adkins
Yang, Vivian(start F2023)Dr. Bryan
Yannai, Laura(start F2023)Dr. Talbott

PhD Candidates with Academic Mentors in VMS

NameSubject/Thesis TitleAdvisor
Martin, LynnAutophagy in the CorneaDr. Mohan

Inactive Graduate Degree Candidates

NameMentorYear StartedProject Title
Aeschlimann, KimberlyDr MannF2017 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2025)Translational models of jujunal leak pressures for small intestine research
Anderson, MelanieDr LattimerF2018 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2026)Utility of four view thoracic radiography for identification of pulmonary nodules in dogs
Baers, GabrielaDr. MathesonF2019
(Timeline for degree completion ends 2027)
Bianco, ZoeDr. MannF2017 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2025)Effects on Diagnostic Airway Lavage on Pulmonary gas exchange in dogs with lower respiratory tract disease stratified by CT and pulmonary mechanics data
Funk, LoganTBDF2019 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2027)Reverse Patent Ductus Arteriosus in the Dog
Karnia, JamesDr. LattimerF2017 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2025)Sonographic assessment of basilar artery velocity in seizure patients as a noninvasive measurement of intracranial pressure and the resultant effects of mannitol
Lake, BathildaDr. MannF2019 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2027)Dysbiosis of the urinary microbiota in cats with urethral obstruction
Moore, MelanieDr. MaitzF2016 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2024)Oxygenation and volume response of canine soft tissue sarcomas treated with hyperthermia and radiation therapy
Norquest, CarissaDr. FlesnerF2017 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2025)Combination radiation therapy and zoledronate for the treatment of canine osteosarcoma (start F2017)
Pack, KristiDr. MathesonF2016 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2024)Feasibility of Detecting Follicles and Monitoring Follicular Growth Via Interval Ultrasound Imaging throughout the Breeding Season of Ball Python Snakes
Pacholech, ChristinaDr. ReineroF2018 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2026)Lung Ultrasound for Detection of Metastatic Pulmonary Lesions in Dogs: Comparison to Thoracic Radiography Using Computed Tomography as the Criterion(Start F2018)
Przydrozny, AlyssaDr. BryanF2019 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2027)Palladia, Proteinuria, and Ace Inhibitors
Ross, LaurenDr. BryanF2019 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2027)Investigation of epigenetic signatures in canine lymphoma
Schaefer, ElizabethDr. FlesnerF2016 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2024)Detection of DNA Viral Pathogens in Canine Lobular Orbital Adenomas (start F2016)
Shumway, KateDr. LattimerF2016 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2024)Evaluation of positron emission tomography in staging canine melanoma
Vernon, GregoryDr. MaitzF2020 (Timeline for degree completion ends 2028)The Effect of Heterogeneous Radiation Dosimetry on the Upregulation of Cancer Stem Cell Markers in Canine Lymphoma Organoids (start F2020)

Previous VMS Graduate Students

NameTitle of Thesis
Abboud, HaydenSusceptibility and cross-protection of bovine Pasteurella in turkeys (1981)
Aderibigbe, AdetoroEstrous detection and the use of bulls in an estrous synchronization program (1984)
Adkins, PamelaAdvancements in the understanding of Staphylococcal Mastitis through the use of Molecular Tools (PhD 2017)
Adusumilli, Sree Sai SatishThe role of load in initiation and progression of cartilage pathology (PhD 2007)
Al Abidi, AdamAnalysis of coffin and shoulder joint lameness with an inertial sensor-based system: Impact vs Push off (2012)
Anderson, MarkCharacterization of the humoral immune response to a commercial Staphylococcus aureus mastitis vaccine (1995)
Ashworth, HayleyA quantitative evaluation of DNA damage from irradiation of feline oral squamous cell carcinoma cells (2022)
Asokan, Vibha RajagopalanAnalysis of platelet function in the setting of controlled trauma in dogs using a whole blood electrical impedance platelet aggregometer (2017)
Atkinson, KatherineEvaluation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in canine pulmonary hypertension (2008)
Balke, JenniferThe effects of feed intake and the intestinal absorption of Escherichia coli endotoxin on lactation failure in swine (1983)
Banks, KaylaCanine ocular surface microbiota (SP2020)
Barger, BrennaLow-level laser therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the dog (SP2020)
Bell, RhodesAssociation of force plate and body-mounted inertial sensor measures for determination of hind limb lameness in horses (2015)
Bernhard, ChristaThe Use of Ventilator-Acquired Pulmonary Mechanics and Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Interventions for Experimental Feline Asthma (2016)
Bernier Gosselin, VeroniqueStaphylococcal mastitis in dairy goats (PhD 2018)
Blanchard, TerryEffects of stanozolol and boldenone undecylenate on reproductive parameters in pony stallions (1983)
Bommarito, DavidTavocept (BNP7787): A Novel Chemoprotector/ sensitizer and Radioprotector/ sensitizer (2011)
Bondy, PeterCytauxzoan felis in Missouri ticks (2004)
Bosiack, AnnNew strategies in canine corneal wound healing for the veterinary ophthalmic patient (2012)
Bouchard, GuyEstrus induction and determination in the bitch (1990)
Breshears, LeeCruciate ligament pathophysiology and its role progressive osteoarthritis (PhD 2008)
Bryan, JeffreyCopper-64-labeled Antibodies for Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer (2004)
Bryan, JeffreyEpigenetic and Molecular Biologic Effects of Lymphoma Radiotherapy (PhD 2007)
Buss, DylanAn in-vitro model of equine corneal wound healing; pharmacologic and gene therapy modalities in the reduction of corneal fibrosis. (2010)
Calloway, ChrisPassive Transfer Of Mycoplasma Bovis-specific Antibodies In Calves Born To Vaccinated Dams (2006)
Chakwenya, JeffPotentiated Sulfonamides in Veterinary Medicine (2002)
Chigerwe, MunasheThe effect of colostrum administration practices on serum IgG concentration in calves (2008)
Chu, ShirleyThe use of massively parallel sequencing to study the virome, epigenome and genome of canine and feline cancers (PhD F2019)
Clay, SarahNoonan Syndrome with Multiple Lentigines: Insights into hypertrophy and hypercontractility (2015)
Clarke, LaneRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system of the horse (1982)
Cook, Cristi ReevesComparative imaging of the feline thyroid and thyroid stimulating hormone induced hyperthyroidism (1998)
Couto, JasonProspective Evaluation of the Fecal Microbiome in dogs with large-cell lymphoma receiving CHOP chemotherapy (2021)
Cowan, CaitlinProlonged survival in 57 dogs with thyroid carcinoma treated with radioactive iodine as sole therapy (2023)
Datz, CraigEffects of diacylglycerol oil in cats affected with inherited hyperchylomicronemia (2009)
Dawes, MaisieThe Role of Lactoferrin in the Immunity of the Bovine Neonate (2007)
DeClue, AmyKetamine attenuates pulmonary responses to LPS (2007)
Dismukes, DavidAlignment of the Canine Pelvic Limb (2009)
Dixon, BradEvaluation of canine-derived fibrin glue: Results of in vitro analysis and use in full-thickness skin grafts in dogs (1995)
Donnelly, KevinTargeting the myofibroblast: New strategies in managing equine corneal fibrosis (2014)
Donnelly, LindsayPreclinical evaluation of gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) targeted radiotherapy of castration resistant prostate cancer (2013)
Dowler, KourtneyA microbiota investigation of intraocular lenses and viscoelastics used during cataract surgery (2023)
Dvorak, LauraEffect of emu oil on dermal wound healing in a rat model (2004)
Eberhardt, JasonImmunomodulators in feline asthma (2010)
Elmore, RonniePeriparturient temperatures of farrowing swine (1978)
Evans, TimThe effects of bromocriptine, domperidone, and reserpine on circulating, maternal levels of progestins, estrogens, and prolactin in pregnant pony mares (1996)
Essman, StephanieThe effects of 153-Samarium-EDTMP on physeal and articular cartilage in juvenile rabbits (2004)
Fangman, ThomasInfluences of weaning site on immune stimulation and production performance in early weaned nursery pigs. Two on-farm evaluations (1995)
Faunt, KarenCritical evaluation of diagnostic thoracoscopy in the dog (1998)
Flesner, BrianMethylation and Lymphoma: a New Way to View Resistance and Therapy (2014)
Floss, JeanetteThe maternal and developmental toxicity of fumonisin B1 in Syrian hamsters (1992)
Forgey, FrankieFertility evaluation of the mare by ova collection (1983)
Fowler, BrookeAutoimmune disease and cancer (2013)
Fox, DerekThe Potential Roles of Synoviocyte Interactions with Biological Scaffolds in Promoting Avascular Meniscal Fibrocartilage Regeneration (PhD 2004)
Frank, GlennImmune responses in the dog and some clinical uses (1972)
Frankeny, BeckyA comparison of two stapled small intestinal anastomosis techniques and two suture materials for closure of the linea alba in ponies (1996)
Franklin, SamuelBiological replacement of the canine coxofemoral joint (PhD 2012)
Fuchs, AllisonTopical therapeutic strategies for the treatment of corneal fibrosis in veterinary species (2022)
Funk, LoganRetrospective Evaluation of Clinical Parameters and Survival Characteristics in 137 Dogs with Reversed Patent Ductus Arteriosus (2023)
Garon, CatherineDetermination of erythrocyte survival times in greyhounds using in vivo biotinylation (2000)
Gerhard, CharlotteObjective assessment of thoracic computed tomographic attenuation of inspiratory and expiratory series in dogs with and without bronchomalacia (2024)
Giuliano, ElizabethM-cells in Healthy Canine Conjunctiva-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (2002)
Gomez, SaturninoProstaglandin precursor and inhibitors on the wound healing process (1983)
Greer, RebeccaValidation of a subcutaneous temperature sensing device (2008)
Grevan, VictoriaCorrelation of feline herpesvirus-1 titers and results of viral DNA detection by polymerase chain reaction (1997)
Grobman, MeganNk1 antagonism as a novel treatment for feline asthma: Investigation of the role of Substance P in bronchoconstriction and immune modulation (2015)
Grobman, MeganRelationship between cough and swallow disorders (PhD 2019)
Gronkiewicz, KristinaTherapeutic Potential of the Anti-Fibrotic Drug Suberanilohydroxamic Acid (SAHA) in Canine Corneal Fibrosis (2016)
Hamood, Abdul-Elah NajiThe serologic incidence of bluetongue disease in beef cattle of Missouri (1984)
Haw, SamanthaIntramammary infections in lactating Jersey cows; prevalence of pathogens and association of pathogen type with milk somatic cell count and persistence of infection (2022)
Hayden, LyndseyEvaluation of a relatively hyperosmolar irrigation solution for use in equine femorotibial joint arthroscopy (2022)
Herrera, ChamisaComparative epigenetics of cancer for diagnosis and therapy (2019)
Higginbotham, Mary LynnEvaluation of MU-Gold as a novel chemotherpeutic agent for the treatment of lymphoma (2004)
Hoernig, KentonThe use of a lysostaphin fusion protein as a dry-cow treatment for chronic Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy cattle. (2013)
Holloway, NicolePassive transfer of Immunogloblin G in calves (2001)
Hovis, KaitlanPhase I clinical trial evaluating calcium electroporation for management of cutaneous tumors in dogs (2023)
Howard, JenniferDiagnosis of Aerodigestive Disorders in dogs utilizing videofluoroscopi swallow study (2022)
Huss, BrianComparison of a biofragmentable intestinal anastomosis ring with appositional suturing for subtotal colectomy in normal cats (1993)
Idoate, IgnacioAcute phase proteins in naturally occurring respiratory disease of feedlot cattle: a novel approach to diagnosis (2014)
Janicek, JohnIn vitro biomechanical comparison of the dynamic condylar screw implant system and the double plate construct for fixation of diaphyseal radial fractures in adult horses (2007)
Joshi, B.C.Cyanogenetic potential of common plants (1969)
Kelmer, GalCompensatory Lameness in the Horse A Kinematic Study (2004)
Ketzner, Karissa11BHSD activity in healing wounds of horses (2009)
Kottler, StephanieMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pet animals (2009)
Knapp, JessicaAngular Limb Deformities Affecting the Canine Radius and Ulna: Classification using the Center of Rotation of Angulation Methodology (2015)
Kraus, KarlThe effects of aortic occlusion on transcranially induced evoked potentials in the dog (1989)
Kroll, RobertSystemic and neurological toxicity associated with carboplatin delivery in conjunction with osmotic modification of the blood-brain barrier in a canine model (1999)
Kuroki, KeiichiCellular and Extracellular Matrix Characteristics of Canine Chondrocytes in Pathologic Conditions (PhD 2004)
Lee-Fowler, TeklaSubcutaenous vs. mucosal rush immunotherapy in an experimental model of feline asthma (2008)
Lewis, CraigPrevalence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in farm cats and the role of retroviral co-infection (MPH 2010)
Lewis, KristinCytauxzoon Felis: An emerging feline pathogen and potential therapy (2011)
Lubis, AdrianaRegional distribution and kinetics of epididymal 5a-reductase before and after rete testis fluid deprivation in the goat (1987)
Luby, ChrisVaccination against bovine staphylococcus aureus mastitis (2006)
Luther, JillComprehensive characterization of canine meniscal pathology (2010)
Mammone, RenataFetoscopic in utero tracheal occlusion as a method to reduce fetal lung hypoplasia in a sheep model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (2022)
Mann, DouglasAerosol vaccination against IBR virus (1980)
Marlo, ToddIn vitro and ex vivo therapeutic strategies for equine corneal fibrosis (2017)
Marquis, CharlotteComparison of Four Endotracheal Tube Cleaning Protocols In Anesthetized Dogs (2024)
Marxkors-Vogelweid, CatherineThe role of intestinal Escherichia coli endotoxin in the production of lactation failure in sows (1982)
Masseau, IsabelleEvaluation of VCAM-1 as a diagnostic, predictive and modifiable indicator of artherosclerosis in swine (PhD 2011)
McCracken, MeganCorrelation of Inertial Sensor Based Lameness Exams (2012)
Menard, KimA novel approach to clinical diagnosis and treatment of canine histiocytic sarcoma (2017)
Miller, Christy BaconStructural and functional comparison between fibroblasts from the trunk and distal limb of horses and ponies (1997)
Mohanty, JibananandaAn experimental operative technique for the excision of transmissible venereal tumors in bitches (1961)
Moore, LoriePathological events occurring in the extracellular matrix of the equine hoof during laminitis (1997)
Morey, NekesaCardiac biomarkers (NT-proBNP and cardiac troponin-I) and point-of-care ultrasound in dogs with cardiac and non-cardiac causes of non-hemorrahagic ascites (2023)
Nafe, LauraEvaluation of immunosuppression on canine lymphocytes using a flow cytometric assay (2013)
Nagy, DustyDecreasing perinatal bovine leukosis virus infection in calves (PhD 2006)
Novo, Alyssa An Evaluation of Intramammary Infection Status in Dairy Heifers (2024)
Odunayo, AdesolaImmunomodulating properties of opioids during sepsis-induced acute lung injury (2010)
Osterbur, KaraThe Mechanism of C-Type Natriuretic Peptide Production in Dogs and Its Use as a Prognostic Indicator in Critically Ill Dogs (2012)
Ota, JuriInvestigation of Photodynamic Therapy for Equine Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Murine Model (2007)
Ogwu, DavidSterility due to heredity in Charolaise heifers (1978)
Oladosu, LanrewajuEffects of piretonide on some clinical variables in the horse (1978)
Pan, YiEvaluation of Incisional Gastropexy Modified by Addition of Two Full-Thickness Stomach to Body Wall Sutures for Prevention of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (2023)
Parker, LindsayLocoregional Techniques for Dogs undergoing tibial plateau leveling osteotomy; a literature review, Anesthesiologist survey, and future direction (2023)
Partnow, AlixParadoxical Dysuria Among Dogs with Degenerative Lumbosacral Stenosis (2011)
Pearce, JacquelineRole of Equine Herpes Viruses in Equine Recurrent Uveitis (2007)
Peter, DonaldBovine trichomoniasis in The State of Missouri (1995)
Pitts, JaelThe effect of induced hindlimb length difference on body-mounted inertial sensor measures of hindlimb lameness in horses (2019)
Plata-Madrid, HernandoEstrous synchronization in the mare using follicular fluid (1991)
Punke, JohnAnatomic Comparison of Acetabular Rotation following Triple Pelvic Osteotomy versus Double Pelvic Osteotomy (2011)
Rankin, WendiEvaluation of Survivin, an Inhibitor of Apoptosis, in Canine Urinary Bladder Tissues (2008)
Reed, AnnUltrasonography of the canine stifle (1997)
Reich, SessalyRelative HERZ Protein Expression in normal canine tissue and canine osteosarcoma (2021)
Remaks, JuliaUsing probiotics to modulate the asthmatic phenotype, respiratory microbiota, and immune response in cats (2023)
Rettenmaier, JanetUltrasonic guided permanent transvenous cardiac pacing in the dog (1993)
Revoredo, Edelmiro VelizCryptosporidium diagnosis and detection in domestic small animal pets and ruminant livestock in Missouri (1987)
Rewerts, JenniferGranulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF): Serum concentrations and clinical use in parvoviral infected puppies (1998)
Rippy, SarahRadiopharmaceutical treatment for canine Transitional Cell Carcinoma (start F2015)
Rissetto, KerryCanine T-regulatory cells in aging and cancer: Quantifying a unique T-cell subset (2011)
Rivero, LuisNeonatal Beef Calf Morbidity and Mortality in Missouri (2022)
Robb, JulieIn Vitro Evaluation of Veterinary and Human Suture Anchors in Metaphyseal Bone of the Canine Tibia (2006)
Rochat, MarkThe use of transcutaneous oxygen monitoring for predicting skin flap viability in the dog (1991)
Routh, BraydenCorneal fibrosis therapies and investigations (2025)
Salazar, SegundoHematologic and biochemical parameters of dairy cows at parturition (1969)
Satpathi, S.M.White snakeroot poisoning in animals (1972)
Schooley, BethThe effects of an antiseritonergic drug and antihistamine in an experimental model of feline asthma (2007)
Schutrumpf, RobertMurine model for cardiac hypertrophy (2011)
Secrest, ScottThe effect of furosemide on ureteral distention and opacification on computed tomographic excretory urography in normal healthy dogs (2012)
Shafford, HeidiSensory integration and cardiovascular control in conscious rabbits (2006)
Sharp, ClaireEvaluation of the anti-endotoxin effects of polymyxin B in a feline model of endotoxemia (2010)
Shoemake, BrianThe use of sodium iodine for the management of bovine respiratory disease (2017)
Sinha, DevendraOxalate in plants of central Missouri (1969)
Solorzano, IzeldaEnzymeimmunoassay detection of progesterone (1988)
Southward, EmilyTemperature monitoring in hypothermic dogs (2004)
Streppa, HeatherDevelopment and characterization of a co-culture model for the study of canine osteoarthritis (2004)
Stoker, AaronA PCR based retrospective study of bovine abortion in Missouri (2000)
Stoker, AaronEvaluation of the Metabolic Responses of Normal and Osteoarthritic Cartilage In vitro and In vivo (PhD 2004)
Storey, AshtonAssessment of Tibial Morphologic Alterations Following Correction of Excessive Tibial Plateau Angle in Dogs. (2023)
Sweiger, ShaunEarly weaning calves at 5 months as a factor influencing performance of primiparous heifers and their calves (1998)
Tessman, RonDiagnosis, epidemiology, and immunologic consequences of copper deficiency (2006)
Thibault, ClaudeA radiographic and gross study of the traumatically injured equine carpus (1968)
Thomovsky, ElizabethAn evaluation of methods to improve lipid particle stability in veterinary parenteral nutritional admixtures (2008)
Threlfall, WalterPreparturient porcine pituitary prolactin patterns (1970)
Townsend, KileRelationship between tooth extraction and changes in blood microbiome in horses (2021)
Trenholme, NicoleNovel approach to assessment of efficacy of platelet inhibition by Clopidogrel and aspirin in healthy dogs (2018)
Trzil, JulieLongitudinal evaluation of effects of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a model of feline allergic asthma (2014)
Tsuruta, KaoruParenteral fish oil effects on plasma non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and systemic cytokine levels in dogs with ovariohyterectomy (2012)
Vaillancourt, DenisIntestinal infusion of Escherichia coli endotoxin in relation to lactation failure in swine (1980)
Vasquez, LauraDevelopment of a motor unit number estimate technique in normal dogs: A potential biomarker for canine degenerative myelopathy (2011)
Vientos-Plotts, AidaThe lung microbiota of dogs and cats in health and disease: expanding our brea(d)th of knowledge (2022)
Villamil, Jose ArmandoThe use of the Veterinary Medical Data Base (VMDB) to improve the veterinary literature (2010)
Walker, KelseyCow-Calf Lameness in Missouri: Survey and Culture (SU 2021)
Wall, CoryComparative Imaging of Canine Shoulder Osteochondrosis Lesions (2010)
Warang, AnushriComparison of left 4th and 5th intercostal space thoracotomy for open-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation in dogs (2018)
Warnock, JenniferSynovium- based meniscal fibrocartilage tissue engineering (PhD 2008)
Waschak, MichelleEvaluation of percutaneous gastrostomy as a technique for permanent gastropexy (1996)
Weaver, DustyPassive transfer in new world camelids (1999)
Witzke, MonicaThe effects of heat stress and feed restriction on microbiome of lactating cows (SU 2020)
Zalcman, AmyThe use of MR imaging and proton spectroscopy to identify critical tissues in dogs with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for future assessment of therapeutic intervention: A pilot study (2018)