Etiology: Amyloidosis occurs when normally soluble proteins polymerize as insoluble fibers, which are deposited in different tissues [1].
Incidence: This condition occurs with great frequency in aged female hamsters (88% in some colonies), especially Syrian Hamsters.
Clinical Signs: Edema and ascites may occur.
Pathology: Kidneys are pale and rough at necropsy (A.). Histopathologic lesions include glomerular hyalinization (B.), amyloid deposits in the tubules, and amyloid deposits in various other organs such as spleen, liver, and adrenals.
Diagnosis: Histologically, an amyloid deposit is stained orange red with Congo red and shows green birefringence under polarized light.

1. Laboratory Animal Medicine. 2 ed. American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series2002, 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, California, 92101: Academic Press.