Canine Genetics Laboratory Testing

DNA Tests Performed by the University of Missouri Canine Genetics Laboratory

The University of Missouri Canine Genetics Laboratory performs testing to identify selected disease-causing mutations in dogs.  Some of our testing is offered in coordination with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).  The tests offered through the OFA can be ordered directly via the OFA website (DNA Based Disease Tests – OFA).

Below are instructions for submitting samples for DNA testing and comprehensive lists of the tests we offer by breed and by disease. 

The cost for testing is $65 for a single test. We can also perform multiple tests on the same sample. Costs for multiple tests are:

  • Two tests: $100
  • Three tests: $130
  • Four tests: $160
  • Five tests: $175
  • More than 5 tests: Inquire
Recently Added Tests:
  • Degenerative Myelopathy Risk Modifier in Pembroke Welsh Corgis
  • Copper Toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers
  • Episodic Falling Syndrome in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and English Toy Spaniels
  • Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC)
  • Multiple Drug Sensitivity in numerous breeds

DNA Test Ordering


Please follow the steps below when submitting samples for genetic testing:

  1. Select the tests to be requested from the lists of available tests below. The tests are listed by dog breed and by disease.
  2. If requesting a test using a cheek swab sample, please order a sampling kit following the instructions on the links provided for each test. A complete list of disorders for which we offer cheek swab testing and test kit ordering instructions can be found at DNA Based Disease Tests – OFA
  3. For blood samples, collect 3 to 5 ml of blood in an EDTA tube (lavender-top). Label each blood tube with the dog’s call name and owner’s last name. We can also perform tests using semen, or tissue. If you will be submitting one of the latter sample types, please contact us prior to sample submission.
  4. Complete a DNA Test Request Form for each dog. A link to the submission form for each dog breed can be found by clicking on the appropriate links in the test lists below.
    1. When filling out the forms, please make sure the text is legible.
    2. Print a copy to include in the package with the sample and save a copy for your records.
  5. For cheek swab samples, please follow the instructions that will be provided with the sampling kit.
  6. For blood, tissue or semen pack and ship the samples together with the paperwork. Overnight shipping is preferred.
    1. If you are paying for the testing via credit card online (preferred), we will email you an order number with a link to the payment portal once we receive the sample so that you can complete the payment process. Alternatively, you can enter your credit card information on the DNA Test Request form or include a check made out to the University of Missouri to cover the costs of the tests. Note, payment must be received prior to results reporting.
    2. The package must include:
      • All samples to be tested.
      • A printed copy of all submission forms including method of payment.
      • Canine DNA Testing
      • USDA importation documents attached to the outside of the package if shipping from outside the United States.
      • Ship the package to:
        • Canine DNA Testing
          320 Connaway Hall
          University of Missouri
          Columbia, MO 65211 USA
  7. The results will be emailed to you within 14 days of when we receive the samples.
  • If you have not received your results within this timeframe, please check with the shipping service first to determine if the package has been delivered.
  • If the package has been delivered to the us and the 14 days has passed, please contact us via email.