Amyloidosis Sampling and Shipping Instructions

Choose the one (or more) sample type(s) that best fits to your case and your level of participation. You are always welcome to call the laboratory (University of Milan in Europe; University of Missouri in the USA) to help you with the sample collection. We are most happy to discuss the procedures with your veterinarian. Your cat may provide special opportunities for sample collection, please do not hesitate to call us!

Please remember to put samples in separate containers.

Please remember to mark every tube or plastic bag with the name of the cat and the type of tissue

Send samples directly to the Lyons laboratory using this Submission Form

From living cats:     A) a blood sample in EDTA : 3 – 6 ml (1ml minimum)

And/or the gonads, if you decide to alter the cat.

Keep frozen until and during shipment

From deceased cats (both healthy and affected) – These samples can be collected during the necropsy, if performed

For Genomics     B) Frozen organs

  1. 25% of spleen, liver and kidney

FFPE (formalin fixed paraffin embedded) blocks can also be submitted. They are specimens used by the diagnostic labs to do the histopathologic analysis. If the pathologist needs to keep the specimen, we request to split the block and provide part of it. Keep at room temperature.

Amyloidosis – Shipping Instructions

Send to:

Leslie A. Lyons, PhD
Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
College of Veterinary Medicine
E109 Vet Med Building, 1520 E. Rollins St.
University of Missouri – Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211  Phone: 01 573 882 9777
Lab: 01 573 884 2287 Lab e-mail:

For your convenience – if you are from Europe, send to:

Maria Longeri

Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie e Sanità Pubblica
Via Celoria, 10 – 20133 Milano (Italy)
Tel.: +39 02 503 180 48 – Fax: +39 02 503 180 30