Professor Emeritus
- MS, University of Heidelberg
- PhD, University of Heidelberg
- Pre-and postdoctoral studies, University of California-Berkeley

Cell cycle, cytoskeleton, centrosomes, microtubules, mitochondria, high resolution imaging, cell and molecular biology, cancer biology, reproductive biology, developmental biology, space biology.
Dr. Schatten’s research interests are focused on cytoskeletal regulation during cell cycle progression in somatic and reproductive cells and on cytoskeletal abnormalities in cells affected by disease. Of specific interest are microtubules and their organizing centers (MTOCs; centrosomes). Central to these investigations are the molecular interactions of centrosomes with microtubules and the structure-function relationships of specific centrosome proteins during fertilization and cell division. Several cell systems are used for our studies and include reproductive cells of mammalian animal models (mouse and pig) and a variety of cells in culture including breast and prostate cancer cells.
Reproduction: Our studies in reproduction are focused on centrosome-cytoskeletal functions and dysfunctions that play a role in infertility and developmental disorders. We have shown that the precise organization of microtubules depends on centrosome integrity which plays a critical role in the union of the maternal and paternal genome during fertilization and in the separation of the united genomes during cell division, cell differentiation, and development. We have shown that centrosome dysfunctions can be causes for infertility in which both centrosome and microtubule dynamics are impaired. Our studies on fertilization and reproduction were also of interest to NASA’s Life Sciences in Space Program which resulted in experimentation on the space shuttle Endeavor to investigate the effects of spaceflight and environmental factors on centrosome-cytoskeletal organization and calcium metabolism during fertilization and development.
Cancer: Parallel to our cell and molecular studies on centrosomes during reproduction are investigations of centrosomes during cancer development and progression. We determined that microtubule and centrosome dysfunctions are implicated in the formation of multipolar mitoses that will result in unequal separation of genomic material and contribute to genomic instability associated with gene amplification or reduction in abnormally dividing cells. We have shown that tumor cell centrosomes are abnormally phosphorylated in cancer cells which results in impaired microtubule functions. Tumor cell centrosomes have lost cell cycle control and are phosphorylated during mitosis as well as in interphase which results in increased and abnormal cell proliferation. These studies include breast and prostate cancer cells and a transgenic animal model of prostate cancer to study cell and molecular aspects of cytoskeletal abnormalities during prostate cancer development and progression.
Our studies in reproductive and cancer cells include the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein NuMA, an intriguing key signaling protein that resides in the nucleus during interphase and becomes a centrosome-associated protein during mitosis. We have shown that NuMA dysfunctions contribute to cases of infertility and to abnormal mitosis in cancer cells.
Parasites: A side project in my lab is focused on studying microfilaments, microtubules, and microtubule organization during cell locomotion and cell division in apicomplexan parasites using Toxoplasma gondii as a representative model. We have been able for the first time to visualize actin-like filaments in this parasite by using novel imaging methods and cytoskeletal stabilization buffers combined with high resolution low voltage field emission scanning electron microscopy. We were able to describe a network of parasite-specific fixation-sensitive and cytochalasin-sensitive actin fibers that play a role in an unconventional motility system used by apicomplexan parasites. The long-term goal of these studies is to contribute new information to a largely unexplored and highly complex motility system used for locomotion and host cell invasion by apicomplexan parasites.
Cell and Molecular Light and Electron Microscopy
Schatten, H., Ripple, M., Balczon, R., Weindruch, R., and Taylor, M. (2000). Androgen and taxol cause cell type specific alterations of centrosome and DNA organization in androgen-responsive LNCaP and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 76:463-477.
Schatten, H., Hueser, C.N., and Chakrabarti, A. (2000). From fertilization to cancer: The role of centrosomes in the union and separation of genomic material. Microscopy Research and Technique 49:420-427.
Schatten, H., Wiedemeier, A., Taylor, M., Lubahn, D., Greenberg, M.N., Besch-Williford, C., Rosenfeld, C., Day, K., and Ripple, M. (2000). Centrosome-centriole abnormalities are markers for abnormal cell divisions and cancer in the transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model. Biology of the Cell 92:331-340.
Gobert, G.N., and Schatten, H. (2000). Improved ultrastructure of the desmosome-intermediate filament complex in MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Journal of Electron Microscopy, 49(4):539-544.
Schatten, H., Hueser, C., and Chakrabarti, A. (2000). Centrosome alterations induced by formamide cause abnormal spindle pole formations. Cell Biology International 24(9):611-20.
Schatten, H., Lewis, M.L., and Chakrabarti , A. (2001). Spaceflight and clinorotation cause cytoskeleton and mitochondria changes and increases in apoptosis in cultured cells. Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautica 49, No.3-10:399-418.
Sun, Q.-Y., Lai, L., Park, K.-W., Kühholzer, B., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2001). Dynamic events are differently mediated by microfilaments, microtubules and mitogen-activated protein kinase during porcine oocyte maturation and fertilization. Biol. Reprod., 64:879-889
Li, G-P, Chen, D-Y, Lian, L., Sun, Q-Y., Wang, M-K., Song, X-F., Meng, L., and Schatten, H. (2001). Mouse-rabbit germinal vesicle transfer reveals that factors regulating oocyte meiotic progression are not species-specific in mammals. J. Exp. Zool 289:322-329.
Sun, Q.-Y., Lai, L., Bonk, A., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2001). Cytoplasmic changes in relation to nuclear maturation and early embryo developmental potential of porcine oocytes: effects of gonadotropins, cumulus cells, follicular size and protein synthesis inhibition. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:192-198.
Sun, Q.-Y., Lai, L., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2001). Antioxidants stimulate meiosis resumption, but inhibit MAP kinase phosphorylation and further cell cycle progression in porcine oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 12:383-389.
Sun, Q.-Y., Wu, G.M., Lai, L., Park, K.W., Day, B., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2001). Translocation of active mitochondria during pig oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development in vitro. Reproduction 122:155-163.
Sun, Q-Y., Lai, L., Wu, G., Park, K-W., Day, B., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2001). Microtubule assembly after treatment of pig oocytes with taxol: correlation with chromosomes, g-tubulin and MAP kinase. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 60:481-490.
Lu, Q., Smith, G.D., Chen, D-Y, Yang, Z., Han, Z-M., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2001). Phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase is regulated by protein kinase C, cyclic 3’,5’-adenosine monophosphates, and protein phosphatase modulators during meiosis resumption in rat oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 64:1444-1450.
Gobert, G.N., Hueser, C.N., Curran, E., Sun, Q-Y, Glinsky, V. V., Welshons, W., Eisenstark, A., and Schatten, H. (2001). Immunolocalization of NuMA and phosphorylated proteins during the cell cycle in human breast and prostate cancer cells as analyzed by immunofluorescence and postembedding immunoelectron microscopy. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 115:381-395.
Tan, X., Chen, D.Y., Yang, Z., Wang, Y.C., Li, M.Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2001). Phosphorylation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and pathenogenic activation of rat oocytes: correlation with MAP kinases. Zygote 9:269-276.
Sun, Q-Y., Lai, L., Wu, G., Bonk, A., Cabot, R., Park, K-W., Day, B., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2002). Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, microtubule organization, chromatin behavior, and cell cycle progression are regulated by protein phosphatases during pig oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 66(3): 580-588.
Schatten, H., and Ris, H. (2002). Unconventional specimen preparation techniques using high resolution low voltage field emission scanning electron microscopy to study cell motility, host cell invasion, and internal structures in Toxoplasma gondii. Microscopy and Microanalysis 8:94-103.
Fan, H-Y., Tong, C., Li, M-Y, Lian, L., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2002). Translocation of the classic protein kinase C isoforms in porcine oocytes: implications of protein kinase C involvement in the regulation of nuclear activity and cortical granule exocytosis. Exp. Cell Res. 277:183-191.
Tong, C., Fan, H-Y., Lian, L., Li, S-W., Chen, D.-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2002). Polo-like kinase-1 is a pivotal regulator of microtubule assembly during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization, and early embryonic mitosis. Biol. Repro. 67:546-554.
Fan, H-Y., Li, M-Y, Tong, C, Chen, D-Y, Xia, G-L., Song, X-F., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2002). Inhibitory effects of cAMP and protein kinase C on meiotic maturation and MAP kinase phosphorylation in porcine oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 63:480-487.
Tong, C., Fan, H-Y., Li, S-W., Chen, D.-Y., Song, X.-F., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2003). Effects of MEK inhibitor U0126 on meiotic progression in mouse oocytes: microtuble organization, asymmetric division and metaphase II arrest. Cell Research 13(5):375-383.
Fan, H-Y., Tong, C., Teng, C.-B., Lian, L., Li, S-W., Yang, Z.-M., Chen, D.-Y, Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2003). Characterization of Polo-like Kinase-1 in Rat Oocytes and Early Embryos Implies Its Functional Roles in the Regulation of Meiotic Maturation, Fertilization and Cleavage. Mol. Repro. Dev., 65:318-329.
Fan, H.-Y., Tong, C., Lian, L., Li, S-W., Gao, W.-X., Cheng, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2003). Characterization of Ribosomal S6 Protein Kinase p90rsk During Meiotic Maturation and Fertilization in Pig Oocytes: Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase-Associated Activation and Localization. Biol. Repro.68:968-977.
Schatten, H., Sibley. D., and Ris, H. (2003). Structural evidence for actin filaments in Toxoplasma gondii using high resolution low voltage field emission scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 9:330-335.
Yao, L-J., Fan, H-Y., Tong, C., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2003). Polo-like kinase-1 in porcine oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization and early embryonic mitosis. Cellular and Molecular Biology 49 (3), 399-405.
Quan, H-M., Fan, H-Y., Meng, X-Q., Huo, L.-J., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., Yang, P-M., and Sun, Q-Y. (2003). Effects of PKC activation on the meiotic maturation, fertilization, and early embryonic development of mouse oocytes. Zygote 11:329-337.
Schatten, H., and Ris, H. (2004). Three-dimensional Imaging of Toxoplasma gondii- Host Cell Membrane Interactions. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10:580-585.
Yao, L-J., Zhong, Z-S., Zhang, L-S., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2004). Aurora-A is a critical regulator of microtubule assembly and nuclear activity in mouse oocytes, fertilized eggs, and early embryos. Biol. Repro., 70:1392-1399.
Huo, L-J., Fan, H-Y., Zhong, Z-S., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2004). Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway modulates mouse oocyte meiotic maturation and fertilization via regulation of MAPK cascade and cyclin B1 degradation. Mechanisms of Development 121:1275-1287.
Fan, H-Y., Huo, L-J., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2004). Protein kinase C and mitogen-activated kinase cascade in mouse cumulus cells: cross talk and effect on meiotic resumption of oocyte. Biol. Repro. 70:1178-1187.
Chen, T., Zhang, Y-L., Jiang, Y., Liu, S-Z., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2004). The DNA methylation events in normal and cloned rabbit embryos. FEBS letters 578:69-72.
Schatten, H., and Chakrabarti, A. (2004). Detection of centrosome structure in fertilized and artificially activated sea urchin eggs using immunofluorescence microscopy and isolation of centrosomes followed by structural characterization with field emission scanning electron microscopy. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 253: Germ Cell Protocols: Vol 1 Sperm and Oocyte Analysis. Edited by H. Schatten, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, p. 151-164.
Manandhar, G., Schatten, H., and Sutovsky, P. (2005). Centrosome Reduction during Gametogenesis and its Significance. Biol. Repro. 72:2-13.
Zheng, Z.-Y., Li, Q.-Z., Chen, D.-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2005). Translocation of phospho-protein kinase Cs implies their roles in meiotic-spindle organization, polar-body emission and nuclear activity in mouse eggs. Reproduction 129:229-234.
Zhong, Z-S., Zhang, G., Meng, X-Q., Zhang, Y-L., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2005). Function of donor cell centrosome in intraspecies and interspecies nuclear transfer embryos. Exp. Cell Res. 306:35-46.
Chen, T., Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y-L., Liu, J-H., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2005). DNA hypomethylation of individual sequences in aborted cloned bovine fetuses. Frontiers in Bioscience 10:3002-3008.
Liang, C.-G., Huo, L.-J., Zhong, Z-S., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2005). Cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate-dependent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in cumulus cells is essential for germinal vesicle breakdown of porcine cumulus-enclosed oocytes. Endocrinology 146(10):4437-4444.
Schatten, H., Prather, R.S., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2005). The significance of mitochondria for embryo development in cloned farm animals. Mitochondrion 5:303-321.
Zhang, Y-L., Chen, T., Jiang, Y., Zhong, Z-S., Liu, S-Z., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2005). Active demethylation of individual genes in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) rabbit embryos. Mol Repro Devel 72:530-533.
Cao, Y-K., Zhong, Z-S., Chen, D-Y., Zhang, G-X., Schatten, H., and Sun. Q-Y. (2005). Cell cycle-dependent localization and possible roles of small GTPase Ran in mouse oocyte maturation, fertilization and early cleavage. Reproduction 130:431-440.
Sun, Q-Y., and Schatten, H. (2006). Role of NuMA in vertebrate cells: review of an intriguing multifunctional protein. Frontiers in Bioscience 11:1137-1146.
Chen, T., Zhang, Y-L., Jiang, Y., Liu, J-H., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2006). Interspecies nuclear transfer reveals that demethylation of specific repetitive sequences is determined by recipient ooplasm but not by donor intrinsic property in cloned embryos. Mol. Repro. Dev 73(3):313-317.
Liu, Z.H., Schatten, H., Hao, Y.H., Lai, L., Wax, D., Samuel, M., Zhong, Z-S., Sun, Q-Y., and Prather, R.S. (2006). The nuclear mitotic apparatus (NuMA) protein is contributed by the donor cell nucleus in cloned porcine embryos. Frontiers in Bioscience 11:1945-1957.
Sun, Q-Y., and Schatten, H. (2006). Regulation of dynamic events by microfilaments during oocyte maturation and fertilization. Reproduction 131:193-205.
Wang, Q., Yin, S., Ai, J-S., Liang, C-G., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2006). Histone deacetylation is required for orderly meiosis. Cell Cycle 5:7, 766-774.
Huo, L-J., Zhong, Z-S., Liang, C-G., Wang, Q., Yin, S., Ai, J-S., Yu, L-Z., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun,Q-Y. (2006). Degradation of securin in mouse and pig oocytes is dependent on ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and is required for proteolysis of the cohesion subunit, Rec8, at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition. Frontiers in Bioscience 11:2193-2202.
Manandhar, G., Feng, D., Yi, Y-J., Lai, L., Letko, J., Laurincik, J., Sutovsky, M., Salisbury, J.L., Prather, R.S., Schatten, H., and Sutovsky, P. (2006). Centrosomal protein centrin is not detectable during early pre-implantation development but re-appears during late blastocyst stage in porcine embryos. Reproduction 132(3):423-434.
Katayama, M., Zhong, Z-S., Lai, L., Sutovsky, P., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2006). Mitochondria distribution and microtubule organization in fertilized and cloned porcine embryos: Implications for developmental potential. Dev. Biol. 299:206-220.
Wang, Q., Wang, C.-M., Ai, J.-S., Xiong, B., Yin, S., Hou, Y., Chen, D.-Y., Liu, X.-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2006). Histone phosphorylation and pericentromeric histone modifications in oocyte meiosis. Cell Cycle 5:17, 1974-1982.
Yin, S., Wang, Q., Liu, J-H., Ai, J-H., Liang, C-G., Hou, L., Chen, D.-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q.-Y. (2006). Bub1 prevents chromosome misalignment and precocious anaphase during mouse oocyte meiosis. Cell Cycle 5:18, 2130-2137.
Sun, Q-Y., and Schatten, H. (2007). Centrosome inheritance after fertilization and nuclear transfer in mammals. In: Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, ed: Peter Sutovsky, Landes Bioscience. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 591:58-71.
Li, R., Whitworth, K., Lai, L., Wax, D., Spate, L., Murphy, C.N., Rieke, A., Isom, S.C., Hao, Y., Zhong, Z., Katayama, M., Schatten, H., and Prather, R.S. (2007). Concentration and composition of free amino acids and osmolalities of porcine oviductal and uterine fluid and their effects on development of porcine parthenogenetic and IVF embryos. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 74:1228-1235.
Zhong, Z., Spate, L., Hao, Y., Li, R., Lai, L., Katayama, M., Sun, Q.Y., Prather, R.S., Schatten, H. (2007) Remodeling of centrosomes in intraspecies and interspecies nuclear transfer porcine embryos. Cell Cycle 6(12):1510-1521.
Yu, L-Z., Xiong, B., Gao, W-X., Wang, C-M., Zhong, Z-S., Huo,L-J., Wang, Q., Hou, Y., Liu, K., Liu, X-J., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q. (2007). MEK1/2 regulates microtubule organization, spindle pole tethering and asymmetric division during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle 6(3): 330-338.
Martin, L., Besch-Williford, C., Lai, L., Cheong, H.-T., Im, G.-S., Park, K.-W., Murphy, C., Hao, Y., Ellersieck, M.R., Keisler, D.H., Schatten, H., Green, J.A., and Prather, R.S. (2007). Morphologic and histologic comparisons between in vivo and nuclear transfer derived porcine embryos. Mol. Reprod. Devel. 74:952-960.
Zhong, Z., Kazmierczak, R.A., Fea, A., Khreis, R., Eisenstark, A., Schatten, H. (2007). Salmonella-host cell interactions, changes in host cell architecture, and destruction of prostate tumor cells with genetically altered Salmonella. Microscopy and Microanalysis 13(5):372-383.
Eisenstark, A., Kazmierczak, R. A., Fea, A., Khreis, R., Newman, D., and Schatten, H. (2007). Development of Salmonella Strains as Cancer Therapy Agents and Testing in Tumor Cell Lines. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 253: Salmonella Protocols: Edited by H. Schatten and A. Eisenstark, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, pp.321-353.
Liang, C-G., Su, Y-Q., Fan, H-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2007). Mechanisms regulating oocyte meiotic resumption: roles of mitogen-activated protein kinase. Mol. Endocrinol. 21(9):2037-2055.
Hao, Y., Murphy, C.N., Spate, L., Wax, D., Zhong, Z-Z., Samuel, M., Mathialagan, M., Schatten, H., and Prather, R.S. (2008). Osteopontin improves in vitro development of porcine embryos and decreases apoptosis. Mol. Reprod. Devel., 75:291-298.
Ai, J-S., Wang, Q., Yin, S., Shi, L-H., Xiong, B., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Regulation of peripheral spindle movement and spindle rotation during mouse oocyte meiosis: new perspectives. Microsc Microanal. 14(4):349-356.
Li, M., Liang, C-G., Xiong, B., Xu, B-Z., Lin, S-L., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). PI3-Kinase and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in cumulus cells mediate EGF-induced meiotic resumption of porcine oocytes. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 34(4):360.
Zhang, Y-Z., Wang, Q., Liu, J-H., Ouyang,Y-C., Yin, S., Ai, J-S., Xiong, B., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., Chen, D-Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Mitochondrial behavior during oogenesis in zebrafish: a confocal microscopy analysis. Dev. Growth Differentiation 50:189-201.
Liu, J-H., Zhu, J-Q., Liang, X-W., Yin, S., Ola, S. I., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Diploid parthenogenetic embryos adopt a maternal type methylation pattern on both sets of maternal chromosomes. Genomics 91(2): 121-128.
Schatten, H. (2008). The mammalian centrosome and its functional significance. Histochem. Cell Biol. 129:667-686.
Zhong, Z., Hao, Y., Li, R., Spate, L., Wax, D., Sun, Q-Y., Prather, R. S. and Schatten, H. (2008). Analysis of heterogeneous mitochondria distribution in somatic cell nuclear transfer porcine embryos. Microsc. Microanal. 14:463-477.
Li, M., Ai, J-S., Xu, B-C., Xiong, B., Yin, S., Lin, S-L., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Testosterone potentially triggers meiotic resumption by activation of intra-oocyte SRC and MAPK in porcine oocytes. Biol. Repro. 79:897-905.
Yin, S., Sun, X-F., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Molecular insights into mechanisms regulating faithful chromosome separation in female meiosis. Cell Cycle 7(19):2997-3005.
Yin, S., Ai, J-S., Shi, L-H., Wei, L., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., Chen, D-Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2008). Shugoshin1 plays important roles in separation of homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids during mouse oocyte meiosis. PLoS ONE 3(10):e3516.
Liang XW, Zhu JQ, Miao YL, Liu JH, Wei L, Lu SS, Hou Y, Schatten H, Lu KH, Sun QY. (2008). Loss of methylation imprint of Snrpn in postovulatory aging mouse oocyte. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 371(1):16-21.
Schatten, H. (2008). Low Voltage Scanning Microscopy: Past, Present, and Future Aspects. In: Imaging & Microscopy, 10 year anniversary issue, October 2008.
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). The functional significance of centrosomes in mammalian meiosis, fertilization, development, nuclear transfer, and stem cell differentiation. Environ Mol Mutagen 50(8): 620-636.
Bukovsky, A., Aplin, J.D., Carson, R.J., Gaytán, F., Huleihel,M., Kruse, A., Schatten, H., and Telleria, C.M. (2009). Immune physiology in tissue regeneration and aging, tumor growth, and regenerative medicine. Aging Vol. 1(2), 157-181.
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). The role of centrosomes in mammalian fertilization and its significance for ICSI. Mol Hum Reprod 15(9), 531-538.
Miao, Y-L., Kikuchi, K., Sun, Q-Y., and Schatten H. (2009). Oocyte aging: cellular and molecular changes, developmental potential and reversal possibility. Human Reprod Update 15(5), 573-585.
Li, M., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). Androgen receptor’s destiny in mammalian oocytes: a new hypothesis. Mol Human Reprod 15:149-154.
Miao, Y-L., Sun, Q-Y., Zhang, X., Zhao, J-G., Zhao, M-T., Spate, L., Prather, R.S., and Schatten, H. (2009). Centrosome abnormalities during porcine oocyte aging. Environ Mol Mutagen 50(8):666-671.
Yuan, J., Yin, S., Wei, L., Li, M., Xiong, B., Li, S., Lin, S-L., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). Astrin regulates meiotic spindle organization, spindle pole tethering and cell cycle progression in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle 8(20), 3384-3395.
Sun, S-C., Wei, L., Li, M., Lin, S-L., Xu, B-Z., Liang, X-W., Kim, N-H., Schatten, H., Lu S-S., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). Perturbation of survivin expression affects chromosome alignment and spindle checkpoint in mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle 8(20), 3365-3372.
Sun, Q-Y., Miao, Y-L., and Schatten, H. (2009). Towards a new understanding on the regulation of mammalian oocyte meiosis resumption. Cell Cycle 8(17), 2741-2747.
Li, M., Li, S., Yuan, J., Wang, Z-B., Sun, S-C., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). Bub3 is a spindle assembly checkpoint protein regulating chromosome segregation during mouse oocyte meiosis. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7701. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007701.
Lin, S-L., Yan, L-Y., Liang, X-W., Wang, Z-B., Wang, Z-Y., Qiao, J., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). A novel variant of ER- α, ER-α36 mediates testosterone-stimulated ERK and Akt activation in endometrial cancer Hec1A cells. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 7:102. doi:10.1186/1477-7827-7-102.
Ai, J-S., Li, M., Schatten, H. and Sun, Q-Y. (2009). Regulatory mechanism of spindle movements during oocyte meiotic division. Asian Aust J Anim Sci 22:1447-1486.
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). The role of centrosomes in fertilization, cell division and establishment of asymmetry during embryo development. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 21:174-184.
Liang, W., Liang, X-W., Zhang, Q-H., Mo, L., Ju, Y., Sen, L., Sun, S-C., Ouyang, Y-C., Schatten, H., Sun, Q-Y. (2010). BubR1 is a spindle assembly checkpoint protein regulating meiotic cell cycle progression of mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle 9(6):1112-1121.
Zhu, J-Q., Zhu, L., Liang, X-W., Xing, F-Q., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). Demethylation of LHR in dehydroepiandrosterone-induced mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 16(4): 260-266; doi:10.1093/molehr/gap089
Zhou, R-R., Wang, B., Wang, J., Schatten, H., and Zhang, Y-Z. (2010). Is the mitochondrial cloud the selection machinery for preferentially transmitting wild-type mtDNA between generations? —Rewinding Müllers ratchet efficiently. Curr Genet, DOI 10.1007/s00294-010-0291-5.
Zhang, X., Miao, Y-L, Zhao, J-G., Spate, L., Bennett, M.W., Murphy, C.N., Schatten, H., and Prather, R.S. (2010). Porcine oocytes denuded before maturation can develop the to the blastocyst stage if provided a cumulus cell-derived coculture system. J. An. Sci. 88:22604-2610.
Lin, S-L., Qi, S-T., Sun, S-C., Wang, Y-P., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y (2010). PAK1 regulates spindle microtubule organization during oocyte meiotic maturation. Frontiers in Bioscience (Elite edition) 2:1254-1264.
Zhu, J-L., Lin, S-L., Li, M., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). Septin2 is modified by SUMOylation and required for chromosome congression in mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle 9(8):1607-1616.
Wang, Z-B., Ou, X-H., Tong, J-S., Li, S., Wei, L., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). The SUMO pathway functions in mouse oocyte maturation. Cell Cycle 9:13, 2640-2646.
Zhang, Q-H., Wei, L., Tong, J-S., Qi, S-T., Li, S., Ou, X-H., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., An, L-G., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). Localization and function of Spindly during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle 9(11):2230-2236.
Yuan, J., Xu, B-Z., Qi, S-T., Tong, J-S., Wei, L., Li, M., Ouyang, Y-C., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2010). MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 is required for mouse meiotic spindle assembly and kinetochore-microtubule attachment. PLOS ONE, 5(6):e11247.
Yang CR, Miao DQ, Zhang QH, Guo L, Tong JS, Wei Y, Huang X, Hou Y, Schatten H, Liu Z, Sun QY (2010). Short-term preservation of porcine oocytes in ambient temperature: novel approaches. PLoS One 7;5(12):e14242.
Li S, Ou XH, Wang ZB, Xiong B, Tong JS, Wei L, Li M, Yuan J, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY (2010). ERK3 is required for metaphase-anaphase transition in mouse oocyte meiosis. PLoS One 29;5(9).
Ou XH, Li S, Xu BZ, Wang ZB, Quan S, Li M, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Schatten H, Xing FQ, Sun QY. (2010). p38α MAPK is a MTOC-associated protein regulating spindle assembly, spindle length and accurate chromosome segregation during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle 15;9(20):4130-4143.
Schatten, H. (2011). Low voltage high resolution SEM (LVHRSEM) for biological structural and molecular analysis. Special Issue: Biospecimens for High Resolution. Micron 42(2):175-85.
Alvarez Sedó , C.A., Schatten, H., Combelles, C., and Rawe, V.Y. (2011). The nuclear mitotic apparatus protein NuMA: localization and dynamics in human oocytes, fertilization and early embryos. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 17(6): 392-398. doi:10.1093/molehr/gar009
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2011). The significant role of centrosomes in stem cell division and differentiation. Microsc Microanal. 17(4):506-512. Epub 2011 Jul 11.
Liang XW, Ge ZJ, Wei L, Guo L, Han ZM, Schatten H, Sun QY. (2011). The effects of postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes on methylation and expression of imprinted genes at mid-term gestation. Mol Hum Reprod. 17(9):562-567. Epub 2011 Mar 22.
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2011). New insights into the role of centrosomes in mammalian fertilisation and implications for ART. Reproduction 142:793–801.
Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2011). Centrosome dynamics during meiotic spindle formation in oocyte maturation. Mol. Reprod. Develop. 78:757–768.
Wang, Z-B., Schatten, H., and Sun, Q-Y. (2011). Why is chromosome segregation error in oocytes increased with maternal aging? Physiology 26(5):314-25.
Wei Y, Multi S, Yang CR, Ma J, Zhang QH, Wang ZB, Li M, Wei L, Ge ZJ, Zhang CH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY. (2011). Spindle assembly checkpoint regulates mitotic cell cycle progression during preimplantation embryo development. PLoS One 6(6):e21557. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
Huang X, Wang HL, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Tong JS, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Qi ZQ, Sun QY.(2011). Dynlt3 is required for chromosome alignment during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Reprod Sci. 18(10):983-989.
Schatten H. (2011) Introduction to stem cell special section. Microsc Microanal. Aug;17(4):473. Epub 2011 Jul 11.
Schatten, H. (2011). Novel findings on actin regulation in asymmetric division of mouse oocytes. Cell Cycle 15;10(18):3053.
Liang XW, Ge ZJ, Guo L, Luo SM, Han ZM, Schatten H, Sun QY. (2011). Effect of postovulatory oocyte aging on DNA methylation imprinting acquisition in offspring oocytes. Fertil Steril. 96(6):1479-1484.
Zhu J, Qi ST, Wang YP, Wang ZB, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY. (2011). Septin1 is required for spindle assembly and chromosome congression in mouse oocytes. Dev Dyn. 2011 Oct;240(10):2281-9. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.22725. Epub 2011 Aug 26. PMID: 21932310
Jiang, G.J., Wang, K., Miao, D.Q., Guo, L., Hou, Y., Schatten, H., Sun, Q.Y. (2011). Protein Profile Changes during Porcine Oocyte Aging and Effects of Caffeine on Protein Expression Patterns. PLoS One 6(12):e28996. Epub 2011 Dec 16.
Schatten, H., Rawe, V.Y., and Sun, Q-Y. (2012). Cytoskeletal architecture of human oocytes with focus on centrosomes and their significant role in fertilization. In: Practical Manual of In Vitro Fertilization:
Advanced Methods and Novel Devices, edited by Drs. Ashok Agarwal, Alex Varghese, and Zsolt Peter Nagy. Humana Press (Springer Science+Business Media).
A complete list of publications is available for H Schatten in PubMed