College of Veterinary Medicine Technical Standards


The MU CVM strives to educate and train outstanding clinicians and scientists from diverse backgrounds, generate new knowledge, facilitate engagement with our stakeholders, and foster economic growth, all of which promote and protect the health and welfare of animals and people.  Simply stated, our mission is to Teach, Heal, Discover and Serve. We strive to achieve our mission in a manner that ensures the safety and well-being of our patients, clients, faculty, staff, students, and other MU CVM stakeholders and that fosters an inclusive environment comprised of exceptional individuals from diverse backgrounds and with unique abilities. To accomplish these goals, the MU CVM provides a list of technical standards that must be met for admission into the curriculum (see below). Moreover, candidates for admission into the curriculum will be required to certify that they understand and meet the Technical Standards, with or without reasonable accommodations when deemed appropriate. Enrolled students are required to provide similar certification on an annual basis following admission into the CVM curriculum.


A candidate for admission to the MU CVM must be capable in five areas: 1) observation; 2) communication; 3) motor function; 4) conceptual, integrative, and quantitative abilities; and 5) behavioral and social attributes. Reasonable accommodations may be applicable for some limitations in these areas, but a candidate should be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner at the time of admission and for the duration of their enrollment in the MU DVM professional program.

I. Observation: The candidate (and enrolled student) must be able to observe and evaluate a patient accurately, at a distance and close at hand, in order to elicit information, describe changes in mood, activity and posture, and perceive nonverbal communications.

II. Communication: The candidate (and enrolled student) must be able to communicate effectively, efficiently, and sensitively using one or more means of communication (e.g. verbal, written or assisted [text telephone and/or electronic]). The candidate (and enrolled student) must be able to use a computer (for both data entry and for information acquisition).

III. Motor Function: The candidate (and enrolled student) must be able to coordinate both gross and fine muscular movements and maintain equilibrium (balance). The candidate must possess sufficient postural control, neuromuscular control, and eye-to-hand coordination to perform profession-specific skills and tasks in different environments (middle of field, paddock, surgery suite, clinic, etc.). Such skills include, but are not limited to, palpation, animal restraint, intraoperative manipulation of animal tissues, handling of surgical instruments and other medical equipment.

IV. Conceptual, Integrative and Quantitative Abilities: The candidate (and enrolled student) must be able to solve problems, measure, calculate, reason, analyze, record, and synthesize substantial amounts of information in a timely manner. The candidate must be able to comprehend three-dimensional relationships and understand spatial relationships.

V. Behavioral and Social Attributes: All enrolled students must abide by the Student Code of Conduct for the CVM. Therefore, the candidate (and enrolled student) must possess the emotional health and stability required for full utilization of his/her/their intellectual abilities, the exercise of good judgment, and the consistent, prompt completion of all responsibilities. The candidate (and enrolled student) must also be mature, sensitive, and be able to maintain professional relationships and tolerate physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing academic course loads and clinical workloads. The candidate (and enrolled student) must be capable of functioning effectively under stress and adapting to changing environments by displaying flexibility and learning to function in the face of various and diverse uncertainties. Compassion, integrity, concern for others, effective interpersonal skills, the willingness and ability to function as an effective team player, and an interest and motivation to learn are all personal qualities required throughout the MU CVM educational experience.


The candidate (and enrolled student) must certify that they understand and meet these Technical Standards. The candidate must provide such certification and acknowledgment prior to enrollment in the MU CVM curriculum, and enrolled students will be required to provide such certification on an annual basis. Prior to enrollment, candidates who may not meet the MU CVM Technical Standards must inform the MU CVM Admissions Manager, who will then contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Students must meet the described Technical Standards for the duration of their enrollment in the MU CVM curriculum. Students already enrolled in the MU CVM curriculum who find that they may no longer meet the MU CVM Technical Standards must inform the Associate Dean for Student Affairs for the MU CVM within 10 days of becoming aware of this information.


If a candidate (applicant) or enrolled student is uncertain as to whether she/he meets the MU CVM technical standards, those concerns must be presented to and discussed with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Potential accommodations that might be considered and applied in order to enable successful progress in the curriculum would subsequently be determined following further consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the University of Missouri Disability Center, and the CVM ADA Director. Specific program directors and course and/or clinical block leaders would also be consulted, as deemed necessary by the MU CVM Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The MU CVM will not allow any accommodations that would fundamentally alter the educational standards of its curriculum.

Approved January 2021