No experience is necessary to volunteer! There are several ways you can get involved with the Raptor Rehabilitation Project. Our volunteers help feed, handle and care for our resident birds. Volunteers also serve as presenters at our public presentations and fund-raising events.
Volunteers can observe and assist in the hospital under the supervision of senior Veterinary students.
Volunteer Opportunities
Like birds but not sure you’re ready to work with one?
That’s okay! We can always use help with grounds-keeping, office duties, promotions, fund-raising…you name it.

Volunteer Responsibilities
Being a volunteer with the Project doesn’t require a lot. You can be as involved as you like. Some of our volunteers participate for a couple of hours per week, while others donate several hours of their time each day.
We do ask that our volunteers do the following:
- Attend meetings held every other week
- Complete bird handling training (if you plan to work with the birds)
- Be willing to learn from others, yourself, and the birds
- Be able to work with people and animals
- Be at least 18 years old (state and federal laws)
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator.