Gheorghe M. Constantinescu, DVM, PhD, Dr.h.c.

Professor Emeritus


Gheorghe M. Constantinescu

Teaching: Veterinary Anatomy


Dr. G. M. Constantinescu is investigating the gross anatomy of domestic and laboratory animals in general, focusing on the locomotor apparatus, the peripheral and autonomic nervous system, as well as on the anatomical nomenclature. The latter work was used to write and illustrate two sections of the “Illustrated Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria.” He is one of the five members of the Editorial Committee for the 5th edition of the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, and the only one representing the two Americas.

In addition, he maintained his interest in the areas of congenital malformations in mammals and animation in cardiology.

Dr. G. Constantinescu is also a medical illustrator; he wrote and illustrated his own books “Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals” and “Guide to Regional Ruminant Anatomy Based on the Dissection of the Goat” and “Clinical Anatomy for Small Animal Practitioners”, the last one translated into Portuguese, Japanese and French. As co-author he contributed with text, and illustrated several other books in English and in Romanian, some published, others in press.


Schaller O., Constantinescu GM., Habel RE., Sack WO, Simoens P, de Vos NR: Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature, Ferdinand Enke Verlag Stuttgart, 1992 (180 orig. figs.)

Constantinescu GM, Nappert G, Ileana A.Constantinescu, Frappier BL, Miller RB: An anatomoclinical review of the landmarks for physical examination and clinical approach in the thoracic limb of the large ruminants. I. Nerve block anesthesia, arthroscopy, arthrocentesis and intraarticular analgesia. CD of the XXI World Buiatrics Congress, Punta del Este Uruguay, 2000 (6 orig. figs.)

Waibl H, Herrmann J, Rehage J, Lorenzi P, Constantinescu G: Zur angewandten Anatomie des distalen “Vinculum tendinis” in der Fesselbeugesehnenscheide der Beckengliedmasse des Rindes. Dtsch. Tieraerztl. Wschr. 108 (6), 233-280, 2001 (1 orig. fig.)

Constantinescu GM: Guide to Regional Ruminant Anatomy based on the Dissection of the Goat, ISU Press, 2001 (243 pages and 230 orig. figs.)

Constantinescu GM: Clinical Anatomy for Small Animal Practitioners, IS Press, 2002 (381 pages and 386 color original illustrations)

Constantinescu GM, Ileana A.Constantinescu: Clinical Dissection Guide for Large Animals, Horse and Large ruminants, 2nd edition, Blackwell Publishing Company, 2003/2004

Constantinescu GM, Wilson DA, Ileana A. Constantinescu, Konig HE: The anatomoclinical approach to the nerves of the thoracic limb of the horse for performing nerve block anesthesia. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 91, 2, 30-41, 2004 (22 orig. figs.)

Constantinescu GM, Wilson DA, Ileana A.Constantinescu, Konig HE: The anatomoclinical approach to the nerves of the pelvic limb of the horse for performing nerve block anesthesia. Wiener Tierarztliche Monatsschrift 91, 3, 63-71, 2004 (16 orig. figs.)

Waibl H, Gasse H, Constantinescu GM, Hashimoto Y, Simoens P: Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria 5th ed., Web site of the World Association of Veterinary Anatomists (W.A.V.A.), 2005

Constantinescu GM, Mann FA, Ileana A.Constantinescu: Clinical correlations of the biliopancreatic Carrefour in dogs and cats, Experimental Medical Surgical Research Journal 13, 2, 85-91, 2006 (5 orig. figs.)

Wilson DA, Joanne Kramer, Constantinescu GM, Branson K.: Manual of Equine Field Surgery Saunders – Elsevier, 2006

Constantinescu GM, Palicica R.: Anatomie Comparativa (mamifere domestice, pasari, om) si Notiuni de Fiziologie Animala (Rom.) = Comparative Anatomy (domestic mammals, birds and humans) and Notions (Basics) of Animal Phisiology. Editura (Publishing Company) Orizonturi Universitare Timisoara, 2006

Schatten Heide, Constantinescu GM: Comparative Reproductive Biology, Blackwell Publishing Co., 2007

Constantinescu GM: Anatomy of Reproductive Organs. In Schatten Heide, Constantinescu GM editors: Comparative Reproductive Biology, Blackwell Publishing Co., 2007