The responsibilities of the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Diversity and Wellness Committee are as follows:
- Seek ways to achieve a more diverse and inclusive student body, staff, and faculty.
- Seek ways to create and sustain a college environment that acknowledges and celebrates diversity by employing inclusive practices.
- Interact with other relevant CVM and University groups regarding matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion as appropriate.
The chair of the committee will be the CVM Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or when possible, the Director of Diversity. Meetings will be called by the chair at least twice per academic year, but more frequent meetings are encouraged. Minutes of the meeting should be posted to the CVM website along with other relevant committee information, with CVM log-in required for access to the minutes. Meetings for discussion and planning purposes do not require a quorum. A quorum for voting matters requires attendance of 66% of voting members.
Committee Composition
Ex Officio members with privileges of participation other than voting will have an appointment lasting for the duration of office held (Dean, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Recruiting, and, when applicable, Director of Diversity). In case of a tie among voting members, the dean, or the dean’s designee among the ex officio members, will have the determining vote.
Two student members from each of the VM1 and VM2 classes, will be appointed (renewable, in the case of the VM1) to one year terms by the executive board of SAVMA in a manner of their choosing.
Regularly appointed faculty members, with one member and one alternate from each department appointed to a three-year term by the department chairs. In the case a member leaves the CVM, the remainder of the term will be filled by the alternate or by the relevant department chair. Additionally, one faculty member and one alternate will be appointed by the Dean to represent undergraduate programs (on-line, microbiology, or veterinary technician programs).Terms will be staggered to avoid excessive numbers of new members in any given year.
Regularly appointed staff members, with one member and one alternate from each department appointed to a three-year term by Department chairs. Additionally, the Staff Advisory Council will elect one member and one alternate to serve a three-year term, eligible for reelection. In the case a member leaves the CVM, the remainder of the term will be filled by the alternate or by new appointment or election, as appropriate. Terms will be staggered to avoid excessive numbers of new members in any given year.
Ad hoc members may join the committee either by request and approval from the committee chair, or through appointment by the Dean as necessary to meet committee obligations. Ad hoc members may participate fully in discussion but are not accorded a vote.
Current Members
Membership | Department | Area | Term Expires |
Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan | Dean’s Office | Ex Officio | |
Dr. Chris Lorson | Dean’s Office | Ex Officio | |
Doug Tindall | Director of Recruiting | Ex Officio | |
TBD | Staff Representative | 9/30/2025 | |
Dr. Aida Vientos-Plotts | Vet Med & Surgery | 9/30/2027 | |
Dr. Nicole Nichols | Biomedical Sciences | 9/30/2026 | |
Dr. Yuksel Agca | Vet Pathobiology | 9/30/2025 | |
Christina Lim | VM1 | 9/30/2025 | |
Destinie Jones | VM2 | 9/30/2025 |