Ravi Barabote, PhD

Associate Teaching Professor

  • PhD – Biology (research area: Microbiology)
  • Postdoctoral training: bacteriology, genomics, and bioinformatics – UC San Diego, Los Alamos National Lab, UC Davis

Building Address: 209-B Connaway Hall
Phone Number: 573-884-2082
Email: rdbr7d@missouri.edu


Molecular biology of bacteria, bacterial physiology, bacterial genetics and genomics, and bioinformatics.


V_PBIO 1500 Microbial World (5 credits, lecture and lab)
V_PBIO 2010 Fundamentals of Microbiology (3 credits, lecture)
V_PBIO 2011 Fundamentals of Microbiology Laboratory (2 credits, lab)
V_PBIO 3557 Microbial Pathogenesis (3 credits, lecture)
V_PBIO 3560 Microbial Physiology (3 credits, lecture)


For a complete list of my publications, visit my Google Scholar page.

Mahato SK, Saini J, Barabote RD. (2020) A putative cystathionine beta-synthase homolog of Mycobacterium smegmatis is involved in de novo cysteine biosynthesis. FASEB J. 34(S1):05992.

Dittoe DK, Barabote RD, Rothrock MJ, Ricke SC. (2020) Assessment of a potential role of Dickeya dadantii DSM 18020 as a pectinase producer for utilization in poultry diets based on in silico analyses. Front Microbiol. 11:751.

Micciche AC, Barabote RD, Dittoe DK, Ricke SC. (2020) In silico genome analysis of an acid mine drainage species, Acidiphilium multivorum, for potential commercial acetic acid production and biomining. J Environ Sci Health B. 55(5):447-454.

Alkahem Albalawi TH, Rhoads DD, Barabote RD. (2017) Draft genome sequence of Anoxybacillus sp. Strain UARK-01, a new thermophilic lignin-utilizing bacterium isolated from soil in Arkansas, USA. Genome Announc. 5(30):e00588-17.

Al-Kahem Al-Balawi TH, Wood AL, Solis A, Cooper T, Barabote RD. (2017) Anoxybacillus sp. strain UARK-01, a new thermophilic soil bacterium with hyperthermostable alkaline laccase activity. Curr Microbiol. 74(6):762-771.