Undergraduate Research Credit

There are 5 courses to choose from for research credit in the Undergraduate Microbiology Program:

V_PBIO 2950 Undergraduate Research
V_PBIO 2950 H Honors Undergraduate Research
V_PBIO 4950 Advanced Undergraduate Research
V_PBIO 4950 H Honors Advanced Undergraduate Research
V_PBIO 4970 Capstone Undergraduate Research*

*Must take V_PBIO 4950 or V_PBIO 4950H first.

V_PBIO 2950 can be taken during or after the sophomore year, once V_PBIO 2001 or an equivalent course has been completed. V_PBIO 4950 and 4970 are junior or senior level courses for students in the BS in Microbiology program.

Enrollment in any of these courses is by instructor permission only.

It is the student’s responsibility to identify a faculty member to serve as a mentor and to meet with the proposed mentor. Once the Undergraduate Research Agreement is completed and submitted to the Research Course Coordinator (RCC), a permission number for enrollment will be given to the student. The student and faculty mentor will be given copies of the signed agreement for their own records.

The current RCC is Dr. Mick Calcutt.