
New Employees | Division of IT :  A host of information and links that will help any new employee navigate IT at the university.

Password Tools


Remote Access – VPN: To access secured information from off campus you may need to connect to the University virtual private network. If you need to download the VPN AnyConnect client, go to If you need additional instructions on downloading the VPN client, go to . Log in to the self-service portal with your University user id and password, select Service Catalog, and search for VPN.

User Account Requests

The process to request user account requests has changed. Please use the Qualtrics form to make create, edit and remove requests for Vet Med users.

Evoko Calendars

Select CVM rooms are using the Evoko electronic room calendar system.

  • Users should primarily request use of Evoko rooms by selecting the desired MU CVM room under “Location” when scheduling an Outlook meeting.
  • Walk-up reservation is available and should be used even if just studying but should be limited to reserving the room for the current day. If you need to schedule the room for a future day, please do so using the process in step one. If you reserve the room using the Evoko device for a future date the event may be deleted without notification.
  • If your meeting is running longer than expected, there is an option to extend your current room use from the Evoko device. Please use this feature if needed so that the room availability light is accurate.
  • If your meeting ends prior to the expected end time, there is an option to End the meeting from the Evoko device. Please use this feature if needed so that the room availability light is accurate.
  • Reservations made at the Evoko device will appear on the calendar as “Booked on Screen”. There is no option to specify the event name from the Evoko.
  • Events cannot be deleted from the Evoko screen.
  • Academic use of CVM classrooms will take priority to non-academic use. If you schedule a non-academic event, you may get bumped from the room if the location is needed for academic purposes. If this is required, you will be notified.