The Feline Genetics Laboratory is part of the Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery in the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Lyons is a member of the Graduate Faculty and several graduate groups at University of Missouri including, the Genetics Area Program (GAP), Comparative Medicine and Animal Sciences. Dr. Lyons is Professor Emerita and a member of three graduate groups at UC Davis: Genetics, Animal Biology and Forensics, thus students can join any of these graduate groups at MU or UC Davis to be a part of the feline research team. The laboratory highly welcomes undergraduate students via practicums, internship and research credits or volunteer time. Visiting scholars are also active members of the laboratory team, hosting sabbatical faculty and foreign students from around the world. Genetics training for veterinarians is supported via the MS and PhD departmental Programs and summer research opportunities.
The Lyons’ Den Researchers
Leslie Lyons, PhD – Principal Investigator

Barbara Gandolfi, PhD – Research Assistant Professor

Erica Creighton, BS – Lab Manager, Research Specialist, MS Student in Animal Sciences with an emphasis in Genetics

Nicholas Gustafson – Lab Technician

Visiting Scholars – Scientists
Rashid Saif, BSc (Hons), M. Phil – PhD Candidate

Veterinary Research Scholars Programs
Samantha Sellers, BS – Veterinary Medicine Student
Alexa Personett, BS – Veterinary Medicine Student
Victoria Spreyer, BS – Veterinary Medicine Student
Sarah Shippey, BS – Veterinary Medicine Student
Madison Bullock
Destiny Monroe
Jena Grahn
Ashley Bullock