Guidelines for Submission of Mid-Probationary Reviews


Department Chair identifies faculty scheduled for mid-probationary review and forwards the list to the CVM Office of Academic Affairs

Candidate prepares his/her dossier according to the campus Promotion and Tenure Guidelines with the exception that external reviews are not required


Faculty member delivers his/her dossier to the department office by the first Monday in November.

Department Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews dossier and submits letter to Department Chair by the first Monday in December


Department chair reviews the dossier and prepares summary letter as described in the CVM Instructions for Department Chairs.  The Chair’s review is to be completed by the first Monday in January


College Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews the dossier and signs the chair’s summary or prepares and addendum
Dossier is forwarded to the CVM Dean for review; Dean may sign the summary or prepare an addendum

February 15

Summary letter (with addenda, if any) is returned to the Department Chair who will discuss the conclusions and counsel the faculty member

Rev 2-19-09