Visiting Students and Scholars

The University of Missouri’s Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery offers a variety of clinical programs for visiting veterinary students, interns, residents, graduate students, faculty, and practitioners. Visitor programs enrich our own clinical programs, provide academic growth for visiting participants, and help other institutions meet specific programmatic needs. Visitors provide opportunities for collaboration and sharing of ideas in teaching, clinics, and research. International visitors enhance our cultural diversity and encourage development of professional relationships between MU and the global veterinary community. In some cases, visiting students and residents from other institutions develop an interest in applying for future intern, resident, or faculty positions in our program.

Visitors are accepted by application and after approval from the faculty and the Chair of the Department.  Departmental Chair has final approval of all visit requests.

Visitor Programs Available:

Veterinary Student Externships
Resident and Intern Veterinarians
Licensed Veterinarians 
Unlicensed Veterinarians or Graduates of Foreign Veterinary Schools
Licensed Veterinary Technicians

Rotation Areas Available:

Our clinical rotations are 2-6 week duration.  Despite our interest in having visitors, availability of rotations may be limited and subject to change without notice.  Every visitor is responsible for his/her medical insurance, travel, and lodging expenses.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Equine Medicine and Surgery
  • Food Animal Medicine and Surgery
  • Neurology/Neurosurgery
  • Nutrition
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Radiology/Imaging/Radiation Therapy
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Small Animal Community Practice
  • Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
  • Small Animal Internal Medicine
  • Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery
  • Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery
  • Small Animal Surgical Oncology
  • Theriogenology

Clinical Activities:

The daily clinical activities of participants in visitor programs are varied and determined primarily by the hosting faculty in each specialty service. Opportunities for learning are enhanced by the outstanding faculty, the large and diverse clinical caseload, and the comprehensive facilities of the MU Veterinary Health Center.  Visitor participants are encouraged to observe our faculty and students in all clinical activities, including patient exams, rounds, special procedures, and surgeries.  Compliance with Missouri State licensure requirements and University liability insurance coverage may limit hands-on clinical practice experience. International visitors who have contact with a farm or farm animals, other cloven-hoofed animal, equines, or small mammals (excluding dogs or cats) must also comply with the University of Missouri Policy on Human Entry into College Buildings following Foreign Travel.

Guidelines and Information

  • Accommodations: Visitors are expected to make their own arrangements for travel and lodging accommodations. A list of motels and hotels are available on the Columbia, Missouri’s webpage: .
  • Fees Table: Lists the fee requirements for each visitation category. Fee amounts are US dollars.  If a fee has been designated, the visitor will be notified via email upon approval of the visit and an invoice and online bill payment portal link will be provided.  All applicable fees must be paid prior to the visit start date. Fees are not refundable.  If international visitor does not provide payment in full, the MU’s International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) will be informed that the visit has been cancelled.  ISSS will contact the appropriate US Agency to advise them that the visit has been cancelled. View fee table.
  • Health Insurance: As visitors may be exposed to zoonotic illnesses and animal inflicted injuries, visitors are required to carry personal health insurance during their visit. The University of Missouri including its faculty, staff, students, agents and representatives are not responsible for illness or injuries encountered during participation in visitor programs and do not provide payment for any care received.
  • Professional Liability:  Visitors who are participating in a hands-on clinical training program must have professional liability insurance.
  • Visitors will be required to complete a Participant Waiver form and Confidentiality & Social Media form upon arrival. 
  • Visa Processing: International visitors are required to have an appropriate visa.  International visitors whose visit requires a J-1 visa; a processing fee is assessed and payable to University of Missouri – Veterinary Medicine and Surgery for the administrative processing related to visa eligibility documents by MU’s International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS). The visitor is responsible for paying this processing fee and any additional fees and expenses incurred with the visa application. Processing fees must be received before J-1 eligibility documents and supporting materials will be sent to international visitors. If a visa processing fee is required, this can be included in the visitor fee payment. Visa requirement information can be found at the International Student and Scholar Services website:
  • Parking: A temporary Parking Permit is required to park a vehicle on campus.  For cost, information, and purchasing a Temporary Parking Permit visit

Application materials should be submitted to:

Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
ATTN: Department Chair’s Office,
900 E Campus Dr
Columbia, MO 65211, USA

Or e-mailed to:

Only complete application packets will be forwarded for review and approval.

Special Institutional Agreements:
Formal agreements or contracts may be appropriate for veterinary schools and other institutions that send students or trainees to University of Missouri’s Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Department on a recurring basis. These negotiated agreements may provide for specific funding commitments or for a reciprocal exchange of students that is mutually beneficial to both institutions. Each institutional agreement is a unique contract that requires thorough consideration by the faculty and administrative approval by the Department Chair, Dean, and University of Missouri Business Services. Our College currently has special institutional contractual agreements with Ross University, St. Georges University, and Western University.