1. When the call for mandatory Promotion and Tenure is announced in June, Department Heads will notify the Office of Academic Affairs of faculty who will be evaluated for tenure and for mid-tenure review.
2. The format for mid-tenure review will follow the format for tenure review as described by the Provost’s Office and the Office for Academic Affairs.
3. The faculty member should have his/her dossier delivered to the Department Office by the first Monday in November.
4. The Department Chair will request review of the faculty member’s progress by the department promotion and tenure committee. A letter of summary should be generated by the committee and returned to the Department Office by the first Monday in December.
5. No external letters of evaluation need be solicited except in the case of an unsatisfactory performance evaluation. In this case, the faculty member may request external review.
6. The Department Chair’s review should be completed by the first Monday in January. Please submit the faculty member’s dossier and associated letters of review at this time. A description of the department chair’s letter and instructions can be found at: CVM Mid-Tenure Review: Instructions for Department Chairs (2005).
7. The College Promotion and Tenure Committee will review the dossier. They may co-sign the Department Chair’s letter or attach and addendum. The Dean may do likewise. The final letter(s) with signatures should be delivered by February 15th.
8. The department chair will deliver a copy of the mid-term evaluation to the faculty member. This letter and process will fulfill the requirement for and annual review.
9. A copy of the Department Chair’s letter, with co-signatures and addendums (if any) will be included later in the mandatory tenure dossier, as required by the Provost’s Office.