2012 Veterinary Research Scholars

Krystal Bove, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Robert Backus, DVM, PhD, ACVN
Amanda Brehm, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Chris Lorson, PhD
Lynn Brockway, VM2, University of MissouriDrs. Phillip Johnson, BVSc, MS, MRCVS, ACVIM and Amy DeClue, DVM, PhD, ACVIM
Sage Buckner, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Tim Evans, DVM, PhD, ACT, ABVT
Kari Chesney, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Chris Baines, PhD
Jennie Cook, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Rajiv Mohan, MSc, PhD and Phillip Johnson, BVSc, MS, MRCVS, ACVIM
Breanna Erwin, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Amy DeClue, DVM, PhD, ACVIM, Chuck Wiedmeyer, DVM, PhD, ACVP and Marie Kerl, DVM, MS, ACVIM, ACVECC
Dane Foxwell, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Jimi Cook, DVM, PhD, ACVS and Aaron Stoker, PhD
Brenda Kick, VM1, Colorado State UniversityDrs. Jimi Cook, DVM, PhD, ACVS, Ferris Pfeiffer, PhD, and Aaron Stoker, PhD
Nathanial Kollias, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Patrick Pithua, BVetMed, MSc
Amy Lack, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Chuck Wiedmeyer, DVM, PhD, ACVP
Marielle LeFloch, Pre-vet scholar, University of MissouriDrs. Carol Reinero, DVM, PhD, ACVIM and John Dodam, DVM, PhD, ACVA
Erinn Mackey, VM2, Tuskegee UniversityDr. Elizabeth Bryda, PhD
Daniel Montonye, VM2, University of MinnesotaDr. Elizabeth Bryda, PhD
Jacob Moskowitz, VM2, University of MissouriDr. Yuksel Agca, PhD
Sarah Motsinger, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Tony Mann, DVM, MS, ACVS, ACVECC
Andrea Neumann, VM1, University of MissouriDr. John Middleton, DVM, PhD, ACVIM
Nicole Rafferty, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Ferris Pfeiffer, and Jimi Cook, DVM, PhD, ACVS
Yaira Rivera, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Joan Coates, DVM, MS, ACVIM and Teresa Lever, PhD
Chris Roberts, VM2, University of MissouriDr. Rebecca Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN
Elena Rodriquez, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Joan Coates, DVM, MS, ACVIM and Teresa Lever, PhD
Allison Rohde, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Charlie Brown, PhD
Tatiana Rothacker, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Guoquang Zhang, PhD
Alyssa Scagnelli, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Sandra Axiak-Bechtel, DVM, ACVIM
Kathleen Scott, VM2, Oklahoma State UniversityDr. Craig Franklin, DVM, PhD, ACLAM,
Lance Serbousek, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Cheryl Heesch, PhD
Beverly Thompson, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Rebecca Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN
Sarah Timmerman, VM2, University of MissouriDr. Leah Cohn, DVM, PhD, ACVIM
Stephen Treese, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Meera Heller, DVM, PhD, ACVIM
Karen Trott, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Meera Heller, DVM, PhD, ACVIM
Whitney Unterreiner, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Aaron Stoker, PhD, Ferris Pfeiffer, PhD, and Jimi Cook, DVM, PhD, ACVS,
Rachel Weber, VM1, University of MissouriDr. Kevin Cummings, PhD
Scott Wood, VM1, University of MissouriDrs. Bill Stich, PhD

2012 MU VRSP Activities

Foundations in Veterinary Research and Discovery course topics
Speed Networking with Mentors
Experimental Design
Computer-Aided Statistics and Graphics
Describing Your Research in 5 Minutes: The Elevator Statement
Reliability and Validity in Biobehavioral Research
Small group discussions of VRSP projects
Translational Research in Veterinary Medicine
Ethics in Research
Research Career Discussions with Post-DVM Graduate Students
Retrospective vs. Prospective Clinical Studies
Research Careers in Public Health and Bioterrorism / Large and Small Animal Issues

2012 Tours, Trips and Social Events

DateEventSpeaker(s) / Leader(s)
3/5/2012Foundations course began1Drs. Franklin, Baines and Rubin
3/5/2012Mentor networking and social eventVRSP mentors and scholars
5/4/2012Phi Zeta Research DayMU VRSP scholars from 2011 program
6/22/2012Research in Animal Pharmaceuticals presentation and tour of Merial research Farm in Fulton, MODrs. Greg Royer, Marlene Dragg, Jeff Blair, Paul Dorr, Ron Tessman, Merial
6/24/2012VRSP reunion BBQ and welcome or out of state scholars, Kathleen Scott, Dan Montonye, Erinn Mackey and Brenda Kick
7/6/2012-7/9 2012Comparative Medicine Research presentation and tour of rodent and baboon facilities at the Oklahoma University Health Science Center and Ft. Reno Science Park Baboon Facility, Oklahoma City, OK and float tripDrs. Gary White, James Papin, William Brinkley and Stephen Johnson, Oklahoma University Health Science Center and Ft. Reno Science Park Baboon Facility
8/2-8/5/12Merial-NIH Symposium and visit to Rocky Mountain National Park after the symposium
8/10/2012Research in Animal Pharmaceuticals presentation at Boerhinger Ingelheim in St. Josephs, MODrs. Rika Jolie, Anne Traas, James Hall, Bruce Somerville. Martin Tiemann. Troy Kaiser. And Nigel Swift, Boehringer Ingelheim